Makes And Models > Electric Motorsport Forum

Electric Motorsport GPR-S on Wired

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Cool interview with Todd Kollin.

I like this...

--- Quote ---Customizable rigs indicate that a user could buy the bike with an efficient battery and engine build today, and when the next cycle of improved batteries is released, he'll be able to swap in the new one without investing in a new one. 
--- End quote ---

I'd like to test ride this bike if it becomes available in Chicago. The price seems just right and it would be a nice machine to ride to work and back - a 12 mile ride either way every day for me. Let's see if they begin to sell them over here.


+1.  I am in the Chicago suburbs.  Would be cool if we had an eDealer around here.

I am looking forward to hearing some owner feedback on this one.


I came to know about your forum when you visited my blog.  :)

Great forum and I have invited visitors to my blog to register and participate here.

Yes, I hope we'll see some of these machines at Rosemont in Feb. I woud love to do a test ride - am planning to buy an MC next spring and an electric one would be fun.


Cool, thanks for the referrals!

Feel free to put your blog in your signature if you want.  Might get more of us out there.


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