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Topics - Kocho

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Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Charging in Japan
« on: September 12, 2017, 07:34:18 AM »
Does anyone know if the Zero 2015 built-in charger can operate at 100V, the standard in Japan per Google? The manual says 120V - 220V


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Sold my SR
« on: April 24, 2017, 06:35:57 PM »
Folks, it's been a great year or so with my SR. If I ever again buy a bike, it will more than likely be electric. The Zero has been tons of fun. Time for a change though - seems like 4 wheels will serve me better, so my '15 SR will soon be off to its new owner.

The exciting part (at least for me) is who got it. Once the sale is final (and provided this is not some elaborate scam or prank), I'll share more. I think there is a chance we might see it in a certain very famous race coming in June  :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Solved: Full regen instead of 50%
« on: April 10, 2017, 03:32:37 AM »
For a first time today, on my '15 SR I experienced what I think is due to a glitch in the application and or firmware. I had set, a few weeks ago, my custom mode to have 50% throttle regen and 100% brake regen. That has been working until today, I'm pretty sure. Today, after a full charge, at 100% battery SoC I immediately noticed I was getting very strong regeneration, equivalent to what one would get in Eco mode. After the SoC went down a bit, I was still getting full regen at throttle, not 50%, and no additional regen when activating the brake. Sport and Eco modes worked fine - less regen on Sport, full regen on Eco, but my custom felt like Eco in terms of regen (but with full power as set by me).

Any one experienced that? I stopped and changed the throttle regen to 30% in Custom in the app, but am still getting 100% regen. Basically, my custom settings are not being reflected in how the bike regenerates.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Current Limiting while Riding
« on: April 05, 2017, 11:01:51 PM »
I'm curious whether the "Batt Dischg Cur Limited" message that we see in our log files appears when we attempt to ask for more current than the bike is willing to supply? Or does it happen for other reasons, regardless of how hard I'm riding? Looking at my logs, sometimes I don't see it for many minutes after I start riding, but once it appears, it keeps appearing every one minute until I stop riding... And yes, it does appear more often at lower SoC, but there does not seem to be some "magic" threshold (e.g., I sometimes see it above 80%, sometimes I do not see it below 80%).

Also, the "limit" is not always progressively lower as the SoC gets lower - sometimes I get 97% of max current at 60% SoC (so only 3% reduction in current), sometimes I get a bigger reduction even at higher SoC... And at lower speeds the reduction is not necessarily smaller: at 2000 RPM I might see 77% while at 4000 RPM 87% (i.e., I got 23% reduction in power at low RPM vs. only 13% at high RPM); and sometimes it's the other way around more reduction at higher RPM than at lower. Seems kind of random, probably is taking into account temperatures, cell balance, etc., but I can't tell a pattern related to MinCell voltage for example (and the log does not seem to list cell balance)...

Buy Sell Trade / SOLD - 2015 Zero SR
« on: March 01, 2017, 07:55:55 PM »
SOLD. 2015 Zero SR.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Brake Drag-reducing Springs?
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:38:04 AM »
Does anyone know if there are drag reducing springs available for the Zero front brakes? I have a set installed on my car and they do a good job keeping the brake pads away from the rotors when the brakes are not used. I'd like to install something like that on my SR as the front brakes are ever so slightly dragging ...

Something like these, but made for the size of motorcycle brakes:


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Pirelli Tires in Cold Weather
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:20:17 AM »
What are your observations on the stickiness of the stock '15 SR Pirelli tires when the temperature is lower, say in the 50F range? I don't know if its the tires or the newly resurfaced street near where I live, but the ABS engaged earlier than I am used to on my last ride the other day (this was at the end of my trip, so tires were as warmed up as they could have been during an easy suburban commute at 30-60mph with lots of stops and few turns). I had not ridden for over a month, since it is winter down here, but that day it was mid 50s F so I took the bike out to run some errands. I would not think mid 50F would be too cold, so it probably is the new asphalt being more slippery (it is say 2-3 months old, so not brand new).

Electric Motorcycle Events / Alta Motors Race Video
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:38:52 AM »
A nice video of a pro race for Alta. Looks good to me :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Windscreen - VStream?
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:59:05 AM »
Has anyone tried or have thoughts on adapting one of these National Cycle VStream screens for the Zero D/S/SR?


I saw one installed on a Kawasaki parked next to my SR, and it looked like it could be a good fit for the SR. Being 24" tall and pretty wide where it matters seems nice for tall riders. I have an aftermarket screen that is a little larger than the touring from Zero and it is too small for me.


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Dropped Bike - replacement parts?
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:30:34 AM »
My daughter backed our car into my SR's front tire, tipping it over on its right side. Front brake lever is bent forward in a J shape (still works). It will need to be replaced, though it seems just fine to operate with two fingers. The right foot peg was stuck up, but when I pushed it, it came right back down and seems fine. The foot brake lever was apparently pushed inwards when the bike fell over it and it scratched the frame next to where its tip is - seems fine otherwise. The plastic handlebar end cap is smashed in and deformed, will need to be replaced. The edge of the  white plastic at the end of the  throttle is chipped, but the throttle seems to rotate fine. There is a barely visible scuff on the bottom outside edge of the plastic covering the battery. And the mirror housing is scratched some. I did not see any other damages.

So looks like a new brake lever and a new end cap is what I need...

Darn it! I'm still mad at my daughter for not looking back - the car's got a backup camera and the bike should have been clearly visible in the side mirror too...   

Any thoughts - should I get OEM brake lever or use the opportunity to replace with something else?

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Dropped Bike - replacement parts?
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:28:05 AM »
My daughter backed our car into my SR's front tire, tipping it over on its right side. Front brake lever is bent forward in a J shape (still works). It will need to be replaced, though it seems just fine to operate with two fingers. The right foot peg was stuck up, but when I pushed it, it came right back down and seems fine. The foot brake lever was apparently pushed inwards when the bike fell over it and it scratched the frame next to where its tip is - seems fine otherwise. The plastic handlebar end cap is smashed in and deformed, will need to be replaced. The edge of the  white plastic at the end of the  throttle is chipped, but the throttle seems to rotate fine. There is a barely visible scuff on the bottom outside edge of the plastic covering the battery. And the mirror housing is scratched some. I did not see any other damages.

So looks like a new brake lever and a new end cap is what I need...

Darn it! I'm still mad at my daughter for not looking back - the car's got a backup camera and the bike should have been clearly visible in the side mirror too...   

Any thoughts - should I get OEM brake lever or use the opportunity to replace with something else?

When charging at say 80F ambient temperature, how warm or hot does your charger get after a couple of hours? Barely warm to the touch, pretty warm, hot, burning hot, no change at all?

The plastic cover on mine seems to get fairly warm, if I had to guess, 110F or so. And because it is under the battery, the area of the battery cover, and I would imagine the battery inside, would vet warm too. And we know that charging a battery that is too hot is not good for it in the long term, and if the battery temp. sensors are on top of it, they would not sense that the boom is hot and the BMS/charger won't protect it if it does get too hot...

When I'm home I setup a room fan next to the bike, so that does not happen - it gets cooled while charging. But when I charge at work during the day, there is no fan there, and the air is warmer there vs. the coolness of my house's garage at night.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / ABS with Regeneration?
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:05:12 PM »
Does anyone know if the ABS system on '15 and '16 models kicks-in and if it actually can have any effect, if rear wheel traction is lost due to regenerative braking? My guess is, that the ABS might detect the slippage and try to release the brakes, but unless the system is integrated with the motor controller (which I'm guessing it is not), it won't do any good if the loss of traction is mainly due to regenerative braking and not due to friction brakes use...

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / First "wheelie" with my SR
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:06:26 AM »
Well, while the front wheel did technically come off the ground, I probably should not call it a "wheelie" :(

While I am one of these people who are happy that the SR can't wheelie unintentionally, dropping me on my back, I also want to have a bit more fun on occasion. In Sport mode, when going over large speed bumps, I found I can twist the throttle and use the push from the bump to lift the front wheel a little in the air. So that's my first wheelie ;)

I also managed for a first time today, not intentionally, to break traction on a dry road with the rear wheel while doing hard acceleration after a turn. Was not scary at all, since I was almost straight-up and the tail did not do anything too extreme - just a quick letting me know that traction was past its limit...

I'm seriously thinking of taking some sort of motorcycle class where they teach technique and in particular how to handle the bike at and past the limit, so I can get a feel for where the limit is in a safe environment ... Maybe I'll need to add some crash protection to the bike before I do that though...

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / How to replace rear brake pads?
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:35:48 AM »
Is there a thread/instructions on how to replace the rear brake pads on a '15 S/DS/R? Could not find it here in the forums and in the owner's manual. Do I have to pivot the caliper up first, or is it just removing this one bolt that goes through the "eye" of the brake pad?


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