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Topics - kcoplan

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Getting to know my new 2014 'S (after trading in my totaled '12 S)  . . .
I'd like to set the custom mode parameters with the App, but cant figure out how.
In the app, on the settings page, the only mode that shows up is Eco, and you cant seem to toggle to the other modes.
So . . . how do I set the parameters for the Custom mode?  Or are the parameters in the App that are labeled "Eco" really the Custom mode parameters?

Am I missing something here  . . . ?  ???

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / Crash Report - 2012 S ZF6
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:03:07 PM »
Bad news -- a car made a left turn right in front of me, I was going about 30 mph, and I hit their right rear fender and went flying over the trunk.   :o

I am (extremely luckily) mostly OK (hand and wrist sprains, I think from being torn from my grip on the handlebars, and some shoulder pain where I probably hit the pavement).

But I am not sure what will become of my beloved Zero -- the front forks were bent so that the front wheel was locked against the frame.  We'll see, maybe it is time to upgrade to a newer model, or see if I can still get the trade in deal for a 2014 (I cant believe I am saying this after almost dying on my bike yesterday  . . .)


Since there are a few of us riding 2012s with the retrofit 2013 replacement motors, I thought I would start a thread on the performance of the bikes with the retrofit motors.  I know some owners have complained about lower top speed, so I thought I would share my own experience.

Yesterday I had a chance to open the bike up on a stretch of road where I would sometimes run flat out before the motor replacement.  Before the motor replacement, I would top out at around 93 or 94 mph on the (uncalibrated) speedometer on the bike.  Yesterday I topped out at 90.  Conditions were good -- no wind, bike nearly fully charged (9 of 11 bars).

So for me there seems to be a slight loss of top speed, but still in spec for the bike.  I have a ZF6 and am pretty skinny, and a mini-windshield on the back, all of which probably increases the top speed.

I would also say that high speed acceleration seems better, the bike does not seem to be straining as much at top speed, and the bike seems to be drawing down the batteries less under similar conditions with the old motor.  With the old motor, driving to work at high speeds would use up 4-5 bars, while yesterday it only used 3.

So I am still very happy to have a functioning bike back!


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / The Glitch is Back. . . . Again
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:37:43 AM »
Had the second recall firmware update last May, really didn't ride the bike at all this summer, no problems riding practicallly daily this fall until this morning . . . And the glitch hits like a ton of bricks.

Rough running, loss of power at speed
Loss of  acceleration
Reverse running after re-boot

Had to pull over several times when I went out for lunch mid-day . . . And even the rolling start trick did not prevent reverse running several times.

Just hope I make it home tonight,  have a call into CarbonNegative.   :o :o

Anyone else ( besides Protomech) have an encore performance of the Glitch?  How did it work out?  And Protomech -  any progress on solving the problem on your bike?

I've got a 2012 S ZF6.
-- Karl

Just rode to work in the bright sunshine -- nice to have warm weather after riding most of the winter.  I forgot how much the cold saps these bikes' performance.  Got the acceleration back -- and when I opened it up on the highway I was surprised to see the speedo hit 97 (this is on a stock '13 S ZF6).  Now, I know the speedometer on these bikes is a little optimistic, but still . . .    ;D

The ICE biker I passed never heard me coming.

Meanwhile, my wife's '13 XU is operating erratically again (sometimes it runs on bootup, sometimes it doesn't).  The dealer didn't really fix it -- even with all the logs they had no idea what the problem was and just plugged it back together and hoped the problem was a loose connection that would go away. It didn't.


Rode my '12 S into Brooklyn Friday to get the recall firmware upgrade -- was supposed to be a 15 minute job (plus three hours to charge up for the ride home) -- but the bike was somehow bricked by the firmware upgrade!  Turn the key, no lights, no action.   :o

Dealer thought maybe the process of connecting the cables shorted something.  Zero overnighted a new MBB, supposed to get the bike back tomorrow.  Had to ride the train home.  Bizarre.


I have a '12 S, my wife bought a '13 XU last Fall.  Most of us are familiar with the way the motors on the Zeros "growl" a little when you push the bike forward or backwards with the power on.  I have noticed that my wife's XU makes this "growl" (and you feel the resistance to pushing the bike) even when the key is turned off.  My S does not do this -- key off, no growl, no motor resistance to pushing the bike.

Is this normal for the '13 XU?  Trying to decide whether I need to drag both bikes in to the dealer (need my recall service done on the S anyway, but I dont have a truck or van to take the bikes in).


Rarely let my '12 S ZF6 get below 6 bars, so I never really noticed a relationship between battery level and power until this week when I ran the batteries down on a long ride and noticed substantially less pep.  Now that I am paying attention, seems like a pretty direct relationship between torque/top speed and battery level.  At 8-12 bars, top speed is "94" (quotes because the speedo exaggerates), at around 7 bars top speed is down to "80", and below 5 bars top speed drops to a sluggish "70."  All with a corresponding drop on acceleration and pep.

Anyone else notice this?  Is it a feature (controller saves the batteries when you are getting low to extend the range)?  Or a bug (partially charged batteries just can't put out the amps needed for top torque)?


There are three of us planning a ride on Zeros from my house in West Nyack up to Bear Mountain - about 50 miles RT, doable with a ZF6 or better.  Fall leaves are at their peak!  Send me a message if interested.


PS -  I have a '12 S ZF6 and usually just lurk on the 2012 list, but now that my wife has a 2013 XU, if figure I can lurk here, too!

There are three of us planning a ride on Zeros from my house in West Nyack up to Bear Mountain - about 50 miles RT, doable with a ZF6 or better.  Fall leaves are at their peak!  Send me a message if interested.
-  Karl

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / Double Zero Family Now!
« on: October 23, 2013, 09:12:17 PM »
My wife took delivery of a 2013 (Demo) XU this week -- that makes us a double Zero family!

Robin was riding my daughters Honda Rebel for two weeks in September while our daughter had the family car  . . . when she started talking about buying a Rebel for herself I insisted she ride my '12 S to work just once, first.  She was sold -- and we got one of the last '13 XUs for sale anywhere, from Carbon Negative, at a slight discount.  Not having to worry about clutching, shifting, and turning at the same time helped close the deal (plus all the "green" pressure I put on her, of course).

The '13 XU has about the same range and top speed as the '12 S, so we can go riding together --- but Robin likes the lower seat height and lighter weight.


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / 2012 S zf6 Motor cutting out
« on: April 04, 2013, 04:20:24 AM »
Is the glitch coming back from the dead?

For the second time in about three weeks, I just had my motor cutoff for no apparent reason.  Both times, I was accelerating from stopped (or nearly stopped <2 mph).  No fault lights on, just a "chunk" and no power.  Lucky enough both times to push to the edge of the road.  Rebooted and the bike ran fine.  Both times, the cutoff occurred in cool, but not cold, weather (40s).  Both times the cutoff occurred after about 7-8 miles of riding and moderate speeds.

I seem to remember someone else had a similar problem of the motor coming out when first starting, but couldnt find it with a search.

I had the "glitch" recall work performed back in October.  Bike has about 1900 miles on it.  Hope this is not the start of a trend.   ???


Tuesday night I rode home in an unexpected steady light rain.  The bike had been outside, covered, all day, temperature in the 30s.

Right from the start I noticed an unusual motor growl -- similar to the usual electric motor noise but much louder and with more vibration -- most prominent when accelerating between around 10 and 30 mph.  I think I have noticed this before in the rain.  Cant say I noticed any change in performance, but I am not likely to be riding or accelerating as fast in the rain, so I probably would not have noticed a decline in performance.

This morning, rode in to work, dry weather, temp in the 20s, no growl, smooth as ever.

Anyone else have their bike growl at the rain?  Seems like it must be more humidity related than moisture in the motor, since it started as soon as I took the cover off and started to ride, before much in the way of raindrops or spray could have infiltrated anywhere.


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / Lithium ion fire risk?
« on: January 19, 2013, 09:43:57 AM »
Lots of news stories about the fire risks of lithium ion batteries, what with the Boeing 787 being grounded and all.  NPR had a piece on this.


And the New York Times did too


Now my wife wants to know if my Zero S is going to burn the house down.  Do any of the battery experts on this board have a convincing reason to believe that the batteries on the Zero are much much safer and fail safe than the lithium ion batteries the FAA approved for critical aeronautical use and which grounded the Boeings?


My daughter gave me grip Warner's for Christmas (such a thoughtful child!).  I am trying t figure out the best 12v wire to tap into.  Probably can get to the headlight wire if I need to, but I was wondering if someone who has already done this has a better option.  I don't have the 12v accessory outlet kit, and I don't see why I should need it just to tap into 12v somewhere.


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