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Messages - GBEV

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Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: ugh battery overheating
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:53:08 PM »
This thread may be the one to ask if anyone has compiled a user degradation log of pouch cells in general, and Ferasis pouch cells as used in Zero bikes in particular, like the Tesla/Panasonic 18650B cell graph which curves upwards along the time axis and not downwards like Nissan Leaf pouch cells?

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: ugh battery overheating
« on: September 12, 2018, 08:01:43 AM »
Soooooooooooooo. Supposing we forget Mostlybonkers's other well documented problematic issues with his once new 2014 Zero DSP bike and overheating motors, Zero's claimed battery longevity in miles then and now nevertheless looks amazing based on their own stat's even for the DSP 2014 owned the O.P.

However we now have at least one data point suggesting that if you try to attain the stated battery milage in a "New" DSP sold with zero miles driven and AFAIK rarely ever ridden with the additional weight of an extra pillion passenger, the big battery Zero DSP nevertheless suffers from unexpected and premature battery over heating (caused by battery internal resistance build up) such that  by 2018 that it is problematic for the original intended commuter purpose. Hmmm!!!

And that is after being used as recommended for the purpose as a commuter bike and in a relatively cold climate after only a fraction of the stated Zero attainable battery mileage has been acheived and by a guy that is mostly sensible IMHO  ;).

So who, if anyone, is on target to make the Zero claimed battery milage and how many miles have you acheived so far on your post 2013 Zero bike please?

Buy Sell Trade / Re: 2016 Zero SR ZF13 Salvage
« on: January 04, 2018, 10:29:48 PM »
Any news on this repair/rebuild yet?

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: News on the UK subsidy
« on: August 15, 2016, 10:33:12 PM »
Office for Lying to Every Voter
ROFL, Keep this up Bonkers, it took me an age to think of the Office for Low Expectations and Vision and you have come up with another 2 true gems  ;D ;D ;D maybe a few more could chime in here then we can send a message to OLEV.

I need a reason to laugh a bit at the moment don't we all?

Better to laugh at our political procrastinators expense eh? It saddens me they can both afford it and simoultaneously totally deserve ridicule.

How about Oil Lobby's Exhorting Villains...

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: News on the UK subsidy
« on: April 04, 2016, 04:33:40 AM »
I feel a sort of animated monty python sketch would be ideal.
featuring OLEV the Office of Low Expectations and Vision...

Le Z Turbo my advice is start a new thread, Zero uninsurable in Europe (even if lightly damaged). Link it to this thread.
Does your insurance company record your calls? If so ( I make sure they do before speaking to them) Ask your insurance company for all emails letters  and calls on audio CD and ask for transcripts-text documents.
In Britain is called a "Subject access request" under data protection act.
We have to pay £10 for the info and they have 40 working days to supply it. I assume in France is simillar. Then go to ombudsman or French equivelent (google) with you details and after 3-6 months you get paid out big money including if you ask for it costs for replacement mortorcycle you should have been provided which you were denied through no fault on your part. The last bit is important as it can be more than the cost to repair. Done it 3 times successfully here. Insurance will expect you to give up easily. Don't it pays very well if you are the last on the pile to deal with. :D

Hope that helps.
Bon voyage.
Any trouble let me know and I will buy collect and fix your bike if it is possible. I do that with aeroplanes so no trouble to me ;)

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: News on the UK subsidy
« on: March 31, 2016, 02:33:33 AM »
The trouble here is our self serving political representatives can't hear motorcycles whilst driving in "their" neighbourhoods in insulated private "his and hers" 4 wheel drive german panzer wagons in the shires.
So the only thing they are interested in is not having more motorcycles of any sort on the road at all, noisy or quiet, to stop them feeling the bump as they drive over us having failed to look out and having mistaken us for a pile of horse shit on their country lanes!
Motorcycles represent freedom in Britain which is dangerous when out political leaders are all oppressors out to oppress us regardless of their colour of political rosette.
I drive a white police Pan European and wear a white helmet and high viz jacket to deliberately look like a cop. It is the fastes thing from A to B for the concious, breathing and sighted who are very curteous to me.

The local village gentry male of female can't work out, when I am coming the other way on a single track road, that their shiny new 4x4 is able to put 2 wheels on the grass without causing it any damage.
I often politely ask them to get their heads out of their anuses before getting behind the wheel of a 3 tonne tank but strangely they don't seem to understand my politeness :) A cull is long overdue...

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: News on the UK subsidy
« on: March 28, 2016, 03:12:21 AM »
there's no accountability with government, especially in these frustrating circumstances, obviously they are in no rush to get this done !

They are accountable alright but to their financiers, in this case the legacy oil lobby, not to their electorate.
This government has shown no real leadership at all to solve Britain's problems. We choke on fumes.
It is a self serving mouthpeice for lobbying legacy industries and has a nose for following their money from infront.
It is all there in the name OLEV -Office for Low Emission Vehicles. Now OZEV could have been an Office of Zero Emission Vehicles yes? But that would not have allowed the oil lobby to get their feet under the table to disrupt the truly disruptive EV with the oily phEV attempt at maintaining the status quo alternative.
I use lower case for plug in and hybrid as some have such small batteries as to be a joke.
Can I suggest we all call OLEV out in any communications with them on what it has actualy proved to be- OiLEV creating Oily EVs :'(
OiLEV are also resonsible for our national charge network being totally unfit for purpose exactly as you would expect if our PM chancellor, cabinet and MPs and Civil Servants are taking bungs from the oil industry. That party will not end until it is forced upon them, watch for the non executive directorships being handed out to the main culprits once out of office....

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: Kawasaki Electric Motorcycle Patent
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:46:37 AM »
So you expect a nice new battery in your new bike but wait.. the first time you swap it you get an old one of indeterminate value :o

Or start with a depleted one anybody?

Now you gotta go back and hope to get the new one back ::)

Not for general release for road use, Renault learn't the hard way on that with Better Place http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/mar/05/better-place-wrong-electric-car-startup

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Petition the UK Government!
« on: October 31, 2015, 01:20:18 AM »
I too have had the first ever response form our local Tory MP.

Unfortunately not worth posting as it is just a load of cut and pasted paragraphs about what her government want us to think they are actualy doing about green issues like local lack of charge points which I had already emailed her about.

Sadly there was not even a mention of the plug in motorcycle grant so I  replied and pointed out that omission was noted and I awaited a relevant reply to the actual subject in the header ::).

BTW I think it was the CC link to the Guardian political section which flushed her out ;D

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Petition the UK Government!
« on: October 30, 2015, 09:00:36 PM »
Me too, Third time I have written to my local Tory  ::) MP about green energy and have yet to receive a reply!

(Note to our American friends who weren't sure. Tory = Republican ie regressive)

I also added this bit, hope you like it ;);

If your party want nuclear and hydrogen to the be the future in the UK then may I kindly point out that there is a 4 billion year supply of both in the centre of our solar system as can be verified by all the UKs progressive non flat earthers each and every day just by looking up!

All it takes for all us Britts to benefit right now from this abundantly free and clean natural resource is some real political leadership promoting turbines (water and wind, on shore as well!) and solar panels.

I note however your party seems intent on reducing all feed in tarifs , which were to assist with green energy adoption, in favour of supporting the legacy oil industry.

So I conclude that, meanwhile, the oil and gas industry are clearly currently being very successful in lobbying against such weak leadership.

That is self evident by the fact that they have succeeded by getting your party to mandate their ability to frack at liberty for hydro carbons under my house yet all on shore wind turbine installers, including the very well known green energy provider Ecotricity whose mantra is "converting bills to mills" who provides all the power for the UKs electric highway for electric vehicles, have now been prevented from installing any more wind turbines on land in the UK. That whilst we Britts have the best wind resource in Europe!

We need the right policies for the future now before we are all fracked.


Guys you may want to add these two addressees to your email or forward your email on to them like I did :D;


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / Re: 2012 SR ZF15
« on: October 23, 2015, 04:54:35 PM »
Yup, Math corrected :-[ Thank you.
Point still stands though $2K more for an extra 240amps through the controller?
I am sure that looks like a great deal to an ICE bike tuner and the bike will no doubt go faster once out of the restricted zone but what exactly costs an extra $2000 in a Sevcon 6 contriller compared to a 4 is my question?

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2012 and older / Re: 2012 SR ZF15
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:13:31 PM »
Add an R to an S or DS and pay an extra $2000 for the R badge and another 240 amps? :o What else?
That is the additional cost you pay to go from a 420 to 660 amp controller so for 240 amps more!
Thicker wire, bigger box and a few more mosfets and possibly an economy of scale.
Does anyone know why that +$2K should be?
As Sevcon are made in England would anyone like me to try get a price for a job lot? ;D

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: 2016 Zero motorcycle lineup poll
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:33:56 PM »
I voted FX, the last one I tested of the 2015 range in London recently doh!
Will end up with a new 11.4 2014 DS though, best bang per buck with a full warranty.

If Honda EV cars are anything to go by they, like Toyota, believe in Fool Sells and Hydrogen being the future which IMO it always will be, a fake disruptive technology to undermine EV sales whilst being promoted by liquid fuel sellers with big political lobbying clout to keep the oil flowing and save the ICE :'(
10,000 psi Hydrogen bomb motorcycle anyone? ;D

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