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Messages - vaiarii

Pages: [1] 2
I have a Zero SR 2014 with a power tank
Since a few days, my battery capacity seems to be reduced frequently*.
I've got several symptoms:
- a reduced range indicated on the dashboard for a regular home to work drive (93 km versus 120 km before, for the same roads and same driving behavior)
- a reduced time to charge indicated on the dashboard when plugging the onboard charger (5h40  while the SOC is at 24% versus 8h as expected)
- a reduced kWh capacity indicated in the smartphone application while SOC is at 100% (9.89 kWh versus 12  kWh as seen previously and as expected for a 11.4 kW + PT)
- a reduced battery voltage indicated in the smartphone application while SOC is at 100% (115 V versus 116 V as seen previously)

Here after is a screen shot of the datas provided by the app this morning after an overall night charging

*This capacity loss happens frequently, i.e sometimes it recovers the original spec, sometimes it shows reduced spec.

I would like to know what could be done to check the different points listed below
- The onboard charger (because of a reduced battery voltage, the charger might be faulty)
- The power tank connection (that could explain more or less the reduced kWh capacity)
- The battery pack capacity


Subject to the locale testing in Europe and the USA in May, we anticipate shipping to those locations in June.

The user manual provides more details about the charging kits as well as warranty and support arrangements. The user manual is available from the product description in the online shop.

If you're interested, please browse our online shop at http://evtricity.com.au/shop to get more details.

That sounds like a great touring this summer!
I'll get a double pls!

We will shortly be sending chargers to Europe and USA for locale testing with Zero owners

Once that will be done, could you tell us how the delivery process in Europe goes well?

It is only possible to import a charger to the european community when it has the CE ("Communautés Européenne") identification
Good point I forgot about!
And what will happen if it doesn't this identification?

such a good news!

I have some more questions:

when paired in our charger they provide 116v - i.e. 100% charge on a Zero. The Elteks only get you to 115.2v max - about 95%.
I own a 2014 SR, is it concerned by these numbers or are they different?

I also own a 2014 SR and have tested these chargers extensively on my own bike. All Zero motorcycles from 2013 upward have the same max pack voltage.
I forgot to say that I have a power tank installed on mine. does it make any changes on the statement above?

We hope to get enough interest to sell you one. However, all import duties, VAT etc will be the responsibility of the buyer. Please research them before buying.
Well I tried to make my own research, but...hell! the duties mechanisms seem to be so complicated!
As far as I understood it, for France a consumer will have to pay a TVA (20% of price product) + import duty (which are quit hard to determine) to be able to take its product back from the custom office.
It is the consumer that has to pay when the product arrive at the custom office.

However, their seem to be some information that should be provided by the seller when sending the product, and here i'm lost...

Thanks for your answers

Again, you've got a great idea to propose a ready-to-use, modular, low-cost fast charger!

So hoping to hear you soon

If you have a suitable 3 phase 5 pin (L1, L2, L3, N, G) source and splitter you could provide separate plugs to connect the IEC C20 with a Live (L1, L2 or L3), Neutral and Ground.
I thought that the use of a splitter would feed the modules in parallel, no?

In Australia we have been using a 6 way splitter on 3 phase 32A 5 pin socket and we plug in 3 double chargers (6 x IEC C20 sockets drawing 15A each).
Wouldn't this trip the fuse of the station? (6x15A vs 32A)
Did you used the 3 double chargers to charge one bike at 3x6.6=19.8 kW ? or it was several bikes charged at one station?

Double charger:
Two chargers in one case with separate AC input and DC output
Standard AC input socket = 2 x IEC C20
BYO 2 x IEC20 15A+ cable for your country
Will we be able to disconect one of the chargers to plug the pack on one regular 15A socket?

Double charger:
Double DC fast charger cable included
Is it something like a Quick Charger Y Adapter that enable to connect the DC ouputs of both chargers to the aux port of the bike?

Can you post a photo of a double charger and the accessories that come with it?

Thanks for your answers evtricity
I'm really hoping that you will sale your chargers in a few time.
Keep us informed please


Does your charger need the onboard charger to run for the contactor?
If so, charging at a domestic socket might be difficult since these are limited to 3.3kW
That's why I would be intersted in mennekes adaptor

These rectifiers can be permanently AC input controlled to suit your available power
Does that means I would be able to adjust the power it draws if I 'm aware that the circuit I try to use can't provide enough power?
If so, what would be the adjustment process? (I guess something like turning a screw somewhere...)

when paired in our charger they provide 116v - i.e. 100% charge on a Zero. The Elteks only get you to 115.2v max - about 95%.
I own a 2014 SR, is it concerned by these numbers or are they different?
I also read many time that most people doing DIY chargers kept the last % of charge for the OEM charger (for cell balancing I guess). Have you get any troubles when charging up to 100% with your charger? Would it be possible to keep these last % ?

Does your charger automatically stop when reaching its top % of charge or do I have to stop it "by hand" ? (in other words can I let the charger work alone and take a 2 hour brunch :P without fear)

I'm not familiar with import duties for different countries
Me neither
I don't even know how this works (should the duties be paid in advance when expeding the paquet from Australia? or when receiving here in France? who should know how much it cost? ...)
But I really whish you charger to be mine in a few time!

Do you have expected date for sale?


I would buy this 700USD compact 3.3kW, non-weather proof charger as soon as possible!!

This is a perfect compromise between the useless 1kW zero charger and the too expensive 4.6kW diginow charger (even given its non-weather proof aspect)

And as i'm not an electric skilled person, I'm waiting for a ready to use solution.

Do you provide optional mennekes adaptor? (as these are much more versatile in my area => PARIS)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Zero Customer Service
« on: March 30, 2017, 02:05:05 PM »
I have experienced and I am experiencing the same issue...

Charger, belt, bearing, wheel (because of bearings) all that stuff took several weeks to deal with and it happened separately at different time!

I've owned the bike (SR14) for 2 years now and it's at about 40K km taking into account the amount of time it spent at dealer shop (several months all in all). Just to take a guess, by counting only the distance home/job I should be at 52K km today!

I would like to get a DSR for my next bike, but even if ZERO is the best E-motorcycle today I am not sure if I still want to deal with these issues...

In a way I am hoping that the big manufacturers come in the run, that could bring changes in zero management.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Vibrations
« on: September 22, 2016, 09:00:20 PM »
Check also your bearing!
I had a bad issue with my front bearing (SR 2014). As you notices, vibrations on the handlebars which at first were intermittent but became more and more permanent and strong and the weird sound became as well permanent.
Even if the 2016 models may have stronger bearing (I heard that from a dealer), don't wait too long to go to your dealer, because it can fail promptly. When it happened for me I was on highway and my front wheel nearly blocked. It was very scaring and dangerous!

My solution is more for the DIY crowd, and for those who need supercharging only a few times a year

Yeah I agree with that point,
I can't affort a 3000$ supercharger since I will use it only once a week!
I'd rather pay a 1000$ DIY solution for that purpose!

But since i'm not comfortable with doing it by myself I wonder if some of you guys would sell a DIY solution ready to use?

remmie, since I'm living in France your mennekes solution is what I'm looking for, but as it was said, 80A might blow a fuse inside the circuit...
maybe a little lower would be perfect!

General Discussion / Re: VHS vs Betamax
« on: April 21, 2016, 05:43:04 PM »
Here is an article (21/03/2016) relating the futur decision of the french government concerning the process for charging (cables, no subscription required, credit card payment...)
It sounds good even with 2 years late!

General Discussion / Re: VHS vs Betamax
« on: April 21, 2016, 12:38:51 PM »
Its true that here in France there are several badges available depending on the station you use.
For some stations different badges are accepted and a few of them cover large areas. But I didn't know that the badge delivering was subjected to residential area...
it's such a shame that our government is so late in the process of making every station accessible with a credit card!
The problem is that each department or region is responsible of the development of its stations network and thus there is no global coordination between them!

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