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Messages - peter

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I've just filled in the poll. Saw the news that Alta died and logged in to see what's been happening on this forum. Been gone from it several years. Had a 2012XU that was nothing but trouble. dealings with Zero were not what they could have been, either. Search the forums under my name if interested.

Your poll is unlikely to pick up those who've given up on Zero in disgust, as they're unlikely to visit this forum. I'm a case in point. It's a bias that you're unlikely to be able to assess, but worth remembering.


Quick update

Someone came around today and picked up the XU, so it's gone and we're rid of dealing with Zero. Great rejoicing in this household.

Now I have some space to sort out some of the other bikes needing work in the garage.


Hi folks

Thanks for the messages. I've got someone local who is interested in the bike. If for some reason he can't get it, I'll contact those who've PM'd me.

And thanks new2 - I'm aware of the post on fixing the throttle. I've just run out of interest in fixing the bike any more. I'd rather work on bikes that I understand, that I know are reasonably well engineered, and for which it's easy to get a workshop manual.


Hi folks

So, we've given up on the pile of garbage that Zero sold us. If anyone needs the details (and if you're thinking of taking up this offer, make sure you read the details)  - our story is covered in these posts:



As you'll see from the second of these, the last problem was the throttle acting as though it was sticking on. It seems to be intermittent. I've canceled the bike's plates and it's no longer road registered.

That being so, I don't rate this bike as safe to ride. And it's clear that Zero has no interest in supporting pre-2013 bikes. So if anyone else who owns a 2012 XU and would like this bike as a source of spares to cannibalize, you're welcome to it. I live in the northeast USA, about 1.5 hours from Boston (on Cape Cod). You'll have to come & get it, or organize for it to be picked up. Bike's got clear title.

I realize that getting rid of it means I can't ensure that it's not used on the road, but I would strongly discourage its use on the road. It's been extremely unreliable, and the last problem - the engine not slowing when you shut the throttle off - is potentially very dangerous. But it's got a good battery bank, DC-DC converter, BMS (because all of them have been replaced) and motor. Not sure if the latest problem is the MBB or just the throttle control, but I'm past caring. The forks don't leak and iirc the bike has <1500 miles on it so the tires & brakes are fine.

I tried to offer it to the dealership from where I bought it. They never got back (2 phone calls and an email). I tried Hollywood Electrics and they weren't interested, but offered me a deal on a 2014FX. We're not interested and never want to deal with the Zero motorcycles company ever again. I find Zero exceedingly unimpressive (I'm trying to be polite).

A friend gave me an early-80s Suzuki 250 to fix up for my wife to ride & to replace the Zero, so I'm passing on the goodwill and offering the Zero on to someone who can use it for parts, for free. We want it gone and no longer wasting space in our garage.

Anyone interested can send me a private message.


I agree with the disingenuous comment - and I think that's being kind. Zero's letter speaks of "As a way of saying thank you to those early adopters.... we have a special upgrade program  available". When it seems they just wanted to get rid of some old stock they were stuck with, and dispose of some older bikes that are just problems for them in coming years.

For me, this was the last straw. Getting the smarmy letter from Zero making the offer - given the long run of problems we've had - was eyerollingly bad. A reminder our multiple hassles culminating in the dangerous throttle problem our 2012 XU developed - details on this thread: http://electricmotorcycleforum.com/boards/index.php?topic=4876.0

I realize other folks have had different experiences in their dealings with Zero. Mine leave me with the impression that Zero has an uneasy relationship with my concepts of decent behavior.

We've been trying to decide what to do with the Zero and have come to the - when you're in a hole, stop digging - point. Not sure how we're going to get rid of it yet, but I'm looking forward to never seeing it again.

Because the <=12 page seems to be dying slowly?

There's also the issue that Zero motorcycle years are rather like dog years*, rather than normal years for a motorcycle. My personal experience is that it's much harder to get parts sorted for a 2012 Zero XU than for a 70s / early 80s, rare Italian motorcycle. Or a not-so-rare early 80s Japanese motorcycle, for that matter. I don't see how that's going to get any better. I'd be fascinated to hear a fanboi explanation for how it will.

And that's without going into reliability. I know I'm biased from the appalling reliability record of our Zero.

Don't do it. If you really want to waste the $5K, do it in a way that will involve less personal risk & heartache.
* i.e. 1 year == 7 years

And thanks, pinaz, for this thread.

As 1920s motorcycles were just raised - a friend rode his 1920something (1925 I think) Norton 16H 20+ miles each way to an historic motorcycle show last weekend. Anyone here think a pre-2013 Zero will be making a ride like that in 2100 or so?

Or, for that matter, 2020?

As there's no way I'd ever consider buying another Zero, this is no help to me at all.


A bit more detail -

So I rang Zero's tech support last Thursday, spoke to a very pleasant and helpful guy. He suggested I check the twistgrip's continuity. I'd decided that this was serious enough that I shouldn't just futz about  with it myself & should get some feedback from Zero.

Before checking on Saturday I took the bike for a quick ride - thinking being that if the problem is intermittent there's not much sense checking anything if the problem isn't showing up. So - of course - the bike ran fine.

So - my take on this. We've got ourselves a bike that isn't really safe to ride - having the engine not slow down when the twistgrip's shut off, and doing so intermittently, isn't safe. And while the XU's brakes are just acceptable for normal, light use they're not exactly the most wonderful stoppers ever put on a bike. Not what I want to trust my life to as the only way to slow the bike down. (Here's an advantage to the Brammo / Victory approach of having a gearbox - at least you could pull the clutch in).

So - my wife won't ride it at all, and I'll only ride it to check if it's working. We have a bike that can't be used. And I could never sell on a bike with this problem to anyone else.

I've emailed back to the Zero tech suggesting that this needs to go to someone else in Zero, and that this is a potentially serious problem. I've also chatted with our dealer, who was very supportive and made sure we've let Zero know about this. cornishkiln's comment suggests that his bike might be developing the same problem - ours first manifested itself as that "this seems to not be quite shutting down" sensation after shutting off the twistgrip.

Anyone else with an XU had something similar?

Thanks Cornish

I've notified the dealer of this problem - haven't heard back yet. I've also just contacted Zero to let them know.-If this happens with multiple bikes (and isn't just another example of our bad luck) then it's potentially serious.

XU has 1900 miles on it.

Well, I"ll reply to myself then.

I presume, from this thread - http://electricmotorcycleforum.com/boards/index.php?topic=4481.msg29391#msg29391 - that either a(nother) Magura or a Domino throttle will fit the XU? Has anyone fitted an aftermarket one to a 2012XU & if so, any hints? I'm guessing it's fairly straightforward.

Presumably this:
or this:
will do.

advice appreciated

Hi folks

So I had a new twist on the excitement of owning our Zero XU this afternoon. (For those who came in late*, the sorry tale of this XU - http://electricmotorcycleforum.com/boards/index.php?topic=3504.0)

When I'd shut off the throttle, the motor didn't actually slow down. I had to brake to get the bike to slow. Rolling on the throttle would make the motor increase but shutting off the throttle didn't seem to do anything. A warning was flashing - (I wasn't paying all that much attention to it, as I was trying to keep well back from the car in front of me) - seemed to be the "problem with the throttle assembly" from checking the manual - 1 then 3 short blinks. Then the speedo switched to showing 0 for my speed, for a bit of added interest. I braked to turn into the street near home, the motor dropped revs, the speedo started working, and for all of ~45 seconds everything was right again. Maybe it'll be all right next it gets ridden, maybe not.

The thrill of owning a Zero! It's controllable with the XU, as it doesn't have the hp to pull the skin off rice pudding, but on a more powerful bike this could be rather a problem.

So I'm guessing a dud throttle assembly (again, for this bike)? But then why the speedo playing up as well? Anyone had this experience?
Advice from the Forum Gurus accepted with gratitude.

Bike's worked since late November last year (amazing record of reliability for this bike!). It didn't get ridden for about 3 months post New Years Eve (I rode it to work that day) thanks to the wonderful winter we had here in New England this year. So it's had December, then April-late July working fine. Quite the reliability record for this one. Only now it's giving trouble again.

*Yes, it's a reference to the Ghost Who Walks.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Still powered after removing key
« on: July 17, 2015, 02:55:41 AM »
Agree, firepower.

Phreak, good luck. My experience with the power staying on problem with our 2012XU was that it was first diagnosed as the MBB, which was replaced and didn't solve the problem. The DC-DC converter was next. Might be worth asking the shop to just check that the DC-DC converter is ok while they wait? Assuming that's possible, that is - maybe someone more knowledgeable on the forum could chime in here?


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