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Messages - KrazyEd

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General Discussion / Re: Non-Tesla EV cages
« on: August 29, 2021, 02:58:45 AM »
   I no longer have my 2020 Bolt, but the person who has it told me that They were only replacing certain parts, not entire battery. Will see what happens.
I now have a Mustang Mach E. Made in Mexico using SK Innovations Battery. They were partnered with LG for a while, but, had a falling out, lawsuits resulted.
SKI can no longer accept NEW battery contracts in U.S., but, able to continue with present contracts. When I first discovered that I was not going to get the
LG Chem battery, I was not happy. Feeling better now. Hyundai and Kia are sister companies, but, SKI does batteries for Kia and LG Chem for Hyundai.
All Electric Konas have been recalled, but, none of the Kias.
So few wins these days, take them where we can get them.

As far as the " Not plugged in part " You are probably correct.
Perhaps I was looking at the app wrong. After a ride last night
I thought I would try again. THIS Time, I was going to try the
update, THEN plug in to charger. When I hit update, it started.
Finished update and said update complete. Will take out for another
ride tonight after the sun goes down to see how it works.
Sorry to have posted before exhausting all avenues.

I recently added a 2018 FXS to my collection. This is the Newest Zero I have owned so no previous experience with over the air updates.
When I first ran through the App, There wasn't really much going on with Firmware other than it said it was corrupt and to restart. I hadn't
started anything in the first place. Then, the other day, it said that there was a new version and asked if I wanted to update. I agreed to
update and on the checklist, everything was checked except for bike plugged in to charger. It was, and it was charging. The app saw the
rise in charge rate both on  the charge page and the Firmware page, but still said no dice. So, I disconnected the QuiQ and charged from
onboard, same issue. Tried 120 Volt and 240 Volt charging, nothing worked. There was ONE time that all the check marks lined up and it
said downloading but after a few minutes, it stopped and now once again always shows charger as being disconnected. Has anyone else
had this issue? If so, how was it resolved. If not, any suggestions?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled app. I have added and deleted the bike from Bluetooth. I have tried on two different Android Phones
Both running OS 10.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank You

I have had a 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018. The 2012 was lower voltage, so not comparable here.
The 2013 FX I have was an orphan year and is the only FX in the 96 volt category That is different.
Also, the FX seems to have a lower output onboard charger so that will also be different than your DS.
Until 2014 or so, Zero said that if your butt wasn't on the seat, the plug should be in the wall. Battery
people will disagree. Cell Balance on my 2013 is all over the place. Getting down to where it should be
when at or near full charge. My 2014 and 2016 were always charged to around 60~80 percent for
everyday use. Every few weeks, I would charge to 100% overnight before a ride to balance the cells.
No issues on my 2014 or 2016. I recently acquired a 2018 FXS which seems to be between 1 and 3
for balance when full or near full, but goes out to around 20 as charge gets lower. 2018 Manual
says that if cells are way out of balance then leave bike plugged in for as long as 72 hours to balance.
Not a lot of luck with that yet. My 2013 FX gives similar information to what all my other bikes do
so that should not be an issue. Bikes are never charged or stored in direct sunlight or extreme cold.
The only thing that I have noticed with the key on or off is that if bike has reached full charge and
been sitting a bit, key on will reengage the charger and bump the charge up a bit. It may make a difference
in how it reads, but, doesn't really add any real life range. The App " should " read all the way to full and
a little past where the charge light on the dash shuts off. The app " should " show it still charging at that point.
I live in Vegas, so Hot should be an issue, but, hasn't seemed to be.
Whenever possible, if using the onboard charger, I use a 1772 adaptor and 240 Volts. If using 120 volts,
I try to use a QuiQ charger.
All bikes prior to SR/F and SR/S should be similar information. Not sure about FXE.
If anyone disagrees, please let me know. We can never have enough education.
Hope this helps.

Parts, Mods And Hacks / Re: Means of limiting charge
« on: August 07, 2021, 10:40:24 AM »
I run my entire house on Batteries and Solar.
The batteries are beginning to get old as they were manufactured back in 2009.
As such, I have started using timers for things that don't need to be on constantly.
The ones I use are from Harbor Freight They are around $10 and I believe that they can be
set for 24 hours. Digital.
Hope this helps


Harley LiveWire Forum / Re: Why does the LW sell so well at 30K$?
« on: July 08, 2021, 10:16:01 PM »
It DOES Show as entry level under $20K, but they are doing what the car companies did a dozen years ago, including the tax credit.
So, if you start to build, it is $22K

General Discussion / Re: Windows 11
« on: July 04, 2021, 09:05:17 AM »
A friend is a programmer at MicroShaft. When Windoze 11 was to be announced, I asked him if I should be excited.
He gave me a rather subdued NO. I then asked if it was similar to the Vista upgrade. He said not to have my hopes so high.

   I have the 50 amp Tesla Tap that I use on my Mustang Mach E. Haven't yet tried it on any of my Zeros.
As far as connecting goes, I have discovered that here in Vegas at least, they mostly seem to be throttled back.
I have not had any NOT work, but, most seem to work similar to 30 amp J1772. I have found ONE that seems to
work at double that giving me 12KW an hour which is MORE than Ford claims. I usually do One or two hours exactly
at similar starting levels for comparison. The information isn't readily ( for me anyway ) accessible so I have to look
at percentage added in time connected.  If looking to take advantage of available charge capability, the 40 amp version
won't really provide more than the 8K or so previously mentioned. Glad that I chose the 50 amp over the 40. Had I Known
about the higher speed charger on the F-150 Lightning, I probably would have gone with the 80.
Not sure about earlier generation Destination chargers, but the newer ones have a switch inside that allows the owner to
set to " Tesla Only ". This probably wasn't thought of much early on, but, with more adapters coming on the market, it
is probably having more attention paid to it.
   As far as battery temperature, It is accessible via the app and possibly dash at least on the older models. I have a
2013, 2014, and 2016. I was working on " reviving " the batteries on my 2013 FX so rode a bit with only one battery installed
to see how it worked and distance. I discovered that the battery DID get hot and as I recall, it cut off at just under 130 degrees
battery temperature. I BELIEVE that I had battery temperature set for viewing either on the Dash or App when I was drag racing
my 2014.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Downsides to a chain conversion?
« on: June 15, 2021, 04:57:27 AM »
The CAPABILITY is a mathematical fact. The implementation can be different.
A Bike with a 25 countershaft sprocket and a 130 rear sprocket will have a
different speed at 6,000 RPM than a bike with a 30 tooth countershaft sprocket
and a 130 rear. The 30/130 will have a higher top speed at any given RPM at a
possible cost of acceleration.
If the manufacturer sets the speed by GPS totally separate from the
gearing, then yes, they could be made the same.
Standard gearing 100 mph at 6,000 RPM
Lower Gearing 100 MPH at 6,500 RPM.

I might consider if an Older ( 2016 ) SR would work. I have a 2014 S and a 2013 FX which has been converted to FXs, but, battery technology for the 2013 was the only
model that didn't carry forward so it is an orphan. Hollywood Electrics replaced several items including the onboard charger as well as installing race program. If interested,
please let me know. I am in Las Vegas, NV.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Downsides to a chain conversion?
« on: June 15, 2021, 12:01:50 AM »
Many good options. I have owned 4 Zeros. Got the chain conversion kit with a 2013 FX when I purchased it, never installed.
I did the spare belt wrap around for a while, but, never needed it, so finally took it off. I have the thinner belt and have broken
two. BOTH were entirely my fault. I drag race my S and SR. I was feeling cocky one day and decided to try a throttle wheelie.
Belt snapped. Put new belt on, tried again, snapped again. No more throttle wheelies. 2 plus seasons of drag racing and no problems.
As mentioned, chain and sprockets should be replaced as a set. True, you COULD carry a spare chain, or go pick one up to replace
along the road, but, now, you will need a THIRD chain to replace once you get everything home when you get the new sprocket set.
Chain does offer more gearing options. If a lower gear gives you more acceleration, you WILL Lose top speed. If you gear for a
higher top speed, you will lose acceleration. No free Lunch. If an FX or FXS, throttle wheelies are no problem. The bike is light
enough that it doesn't seem to put too much extra stress on the belt. If you do a lot of off road, things getting between the belt
and sprockets seem to be a cause of belt breaking for some people. I am guessing that you have a newer bike with the wider belt
so problems should be less. I have seen videos of people changing the belt on the side of the road, possibly on the Unofficial Manual Site

Energica / Re: 14-50R or 6-50R?
« on: June 03, 2021, 05:51:14 AM »
It probably depends upon Where you are and what if any 240 Volt receptacles you presently have.
I believe that the 14-50 is the newer style. It can handle 50 amps. The other, I believe only goes to
30 amps. The "R" is for receptacle "P" is for plug. If you have something there already and don't
wish to upgrade, tell them to send you what matches what you have. I had the old style but updated to
the 14-50 just because. You won't be able to pull 50 amps ( 40 actually, 80% of 50 ) unless you have
breakers and wiring to match.

General Discussion / Re: CCS chargers
« on: May 20, 2021, 05:43:12 AM »
It Isn't JUST Motorcycles Don.
I recently picked up a Mustang Mach E.
I got it in Austin TX and drove it back to Vegas using Electrify America Exclusively.
Only One problem, All stations were down at a location, a phone call to them got
them to reboot the unit that I wanted to use and all was well.
Planning a Trip to Tonopah in early June so wanted to test a few things.
There is a 50 amp CCS in Amergosa Valley on the Greenlots System I believe.
One that is Specifically supposed to work with the Mach E. Tried several times,
they rebooted it a couple times, no good. There is a ChargePoint " Legacy "
charger in Beatty. I used it in January for my Bolt, no problem. Didn't work
on the Mach E. Another ChargePoint " Legacy " charger in Tonopah, shown as
being used a few days before my visit by a Bolt. Didn't work on Mach E.
Surprisingly, there is a stop in GoldField that is on the EV Connect System that
doesn't even show up on THEIR App. 2 DCFC stations. Worked perfectly on the Mach E.
Hopefully, if you choose to visit Vegas, they would work with your Energica. All had
Level II units that Did work. I haven't ventured in THAT direction with my Zeros, but,
did use the Level II in Beatty a few years ago when I wanted to see if my SR would
make it to Beatty from Vegas.

Buy Sell Trade / Re: Elcon 3.3kw charger group buy
« on: May 05, 2021, 02:58:44 AM »
I don't do a lot of road tripping these days, but carry an Elcon 2500 and QuiQ 1KW and J1772 Adaptor when I do.
Takes about 2 hours to fill. Might be interested in one if Plug and Play.

I presently own 3 Zeros
My 2013 FX 5.7 is on it's original batteries. They are hurting, but, while lower range than I used to get, better than some posts on here.
My Modified 2014 S was purchased with a toasted battery, so, I have no idea of it's previous life. It now has a 14.4 KW Battery
that was installed by Hollywood Electrics in 2019.
My 2016 SR is also on it's original battery, no degradation that I am aware of.
The 2013 was always kept plugged in as per Zero's instructions at the time. After they dropped that requirement, it now gets
charged to between 60% and 80%. This is the same for both of my other bikes. I seldom charge to 100% except for when
I do it for cell balancing. Even then, As soon as it completed, I ride it enough to bring the SOC down below 80%

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