Tech > Home Brew

hybrid build


Hey I'm brand new to building electric cycles but I've been interested in it for a long time, the project I'm starting is similar to Chevy's Volt- I want to use a small (less than 150cc) motor to run a modified alternator to charge a 48v battery bank that runs a motor.
I have a 48v brushed motor on the way and will likely be using SLA batteries. I thinking milipak for a controller because of braking regen, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm at a loss is for power generation, I know there are 48v alternators out there but for cost reasons I'd like to avoid it. So these are my two main questions-

Can modifications (removing regulator/removing the diodes and installing a transformer) to a 12v alternator be made to up it to 48v?
Is running a 12v alternator in series out of the question?

Just to make this post interesting the donor frame is a 96 ninja and the idea is to be able to run the bike with the gas motor running intermittently to charge the batteries. In the mean time proof of concept will be done on a mangled Kz440 frame. Pics to come when there's something other than empty frame.


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