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Messages - Le Z Turbo

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To keep you posted......
After 1 year and a half my bike is still not repaired !!!
The fork was changed and we agree on just a paint job on the frame because changing the frame was first a heavy uncommon work (many electrical wires with which my dealer is unfamiliar) and second because it will mean sending back the frame to the US to have the same frame number. I'm in France
But..... after installing the new fork the front wheel was too rearward meaning the frame is bent and need replacement..... OH DEAR !
My dealer is no Zero dealer anymore, the dealer where I bought my Zero either and no one wants to touch the electrical part of the bike !

There's gonna be a European Zero reunion next week where I hope they will discuss my case. My bike has to be sent back to Holland for the battery warranty replacement.
Hope a solution will come out of this. I'm ridding another petrol bike in the meantime and i'd like to go back to electric....

Have a good week-end !

Hi Burton,
I've made the "in Europe" modification.
I have contacted the insurrance but they just rely on the fact that the motorcycle is economically repairable. And here in France don't even think about a lawsuit for that kind of small thing !!!
No 2013 in stock for part swap unfortunatly
I don't remember exactly which parts were not on the website but my dealer received ZERO part, even the ones he could order.
Have a safe ride


well I'm still struggling to get replacement parts after my accident.... it's been one year and a half now.....
So I don't think I'm gonna see something like a warranty momolith soon here in France !!!

Have a safe ride

I have been to the shop yerstaday and....... NO PARTS !!!
My dealer has to go through a website that didn't have all the part, is contacting the french-europe representative and still.... nothing !
I now I can see on another post that my DS 2013 should have a battery swap under warranty ? Ha ha ha, may be I'm gonna have the battery before the fork, fender and lateral panels !!! Yes that that kind of part I need, as simple as front fork complete with triple clamps, front fender, lateral panels, rear brake pedal..... nothing really exotic isn't it ?
To be followed.......
Think twice or 10 times before buying here in Europe


Some news about my crashed bike.

I have been to the shop this morning and the dealer has several phone calls from Zero France. It seems that someone is reading the forum ! And I THANK him for his action !

Also I THANK the reader who say I shoudn't change the frame or I will deal with severe electrical problems. We've been around the bike with the dealer and decided not to change it but just have a paint on the lateral scratched part without disassembly. The frame is not bent, only the fork is. But it has a lateral scratch from the fall.

Well I will see if we could now get the parts a little faster than... a year !!!
Have a good (and safe ridding !) weekend

Unfortunatly my insurrance doesn't take it that way. The cost of repairing the bike is lower that the bike value (it was one year ago, now its value is decreasing....). The battery is intact. Should the battery be damaged that would have been another story....

5 months !!! And you are living near the FACTORY !!! That's so huge !!!
Before my accident I had troubles with leaking fork, leaking rear shock, untrue wheels, engine cutting..... Since my accident I have nothing to tell really (!) as my dealer simply has no part at all for replacement !!!

No rented bike for me in the meantime. I bought another "dream" one with good service this time !!!

I was round about 40 km/h and then I applied full brake before contact. The front of the bike is crunched but the battery is intact. It has been recharged several time for the last year.....
I had the same sort of crash with the 3 wheeled scooter you see on my avatar. The front is so big that I had nothing physically. The opponent car was badly damaged ! My scooter was unrepairable this time
I always ride with helmet (mandatory here) and motorcycle gloves. On my different accidents I had leather jacket with elbow, shoulder and back protection (Dainese) and a Padded kevlar trousers (looking like a Jean, Dainese also). All of these realy helped. During summer I sometime go low on protection keeping helmet and gloves, which may not be "wise". I'm repairing an old BMW C1 200cc for summer time !!! And also rainy day

And it's a pity cause I really LOVE this bike ! Would like so much to have a 2016 DSR but I'm a little cold now !!!

I know ! The first order for parts (4500€ or 4500$ it's the same) was via the main French shop in Paris. And parts never came and my dealer (500 kms from Paris) was refund. But you could imagine this first delay ! Now my dealer want to order directly from Zero and has to create a new dealer account and so one which take..... so much time ! And in the meantime the Zero commercial director for France changed so everything arrange with the first one vanished.....
Ordering a new frame is no piece of cake has there is a new frame number or you have to renumber the new frame with old number. It's on the official owner paper.
Hope something get the repair working soon !

Hi everyone,

something to think about when having an "exotic" bike is spare parts in case of accident.
I had an accident exactly one year ago. While overtaking a line of stopped car one of then suddenly turn left to enter her home, crossing a do not cross lane and without blinkers of course.... The driver simply said "I didn't hear you coming !" Grrrrrr.......
I had just a cut finger end due to the brake lever (I brake with only 2 fingers, the two other ones are below the brake lever and get crunched during the accident). My finger has been repaired long ago and is fully functional !

But my Zero..... It's a 2013 Zero DS and I'm living in France where Zero is distributed. But my shop (a scooter and motocycle shop which don't make Zero anymore due to t his kind of problem) has tremendous difficulty to get the parts. The insurance is paying, no problem with that. And getting a brand new Zero is easy here in France, but a fork, a frame,.....

So futur owner be aware if you live outside the US. Will you be able to get parts ? Not just the small ones but the also the big accident related ones !
It could be difficult to be already ridding the futur. I lost 1 year to sell my bike as second hand and had to buy another bike for my trip to work. I took something louder: a Ducati Hypermotard with full racing exhaust and no db killer.

Have a safe ride !

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: 2014 Frame and fork on a 2013 DS
« on: April 28, 2015, 01:28:50 AM »
I'm living in France and futhermore in a part of France where there is no more Zero dealer (Lyon). The old Zero dealer is dealing with a Paris one to get all the part to repair the motorcycle. It will cost a little less than 6000€ (=6000$) whereas the 2013 DS has still a 9000$ value. That's why the insurance wants to repair it. I told them I don't want it anymore !

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / 2014 Frame and fork on a 2013 DS
« on: April 27, 2015, 08:51:37 PM »
my 2013 DS is "compressed" after a riding accident (a car suddenly turning to his left home garage while I was overtaking, she said "I didn't hear you coming" !).
I almost lost my little right finger due to the compression of the brake lever on the car but now after 2 months I'm fine.
My DS will be repair the inssurance say. The fork and frame need to be change but not the battery. Could I go to a stronger 2014 frame and fork with the same wheels, dashboard, light, etc ???
Have a safe one

And so with the Penske rear shock, I've installed the piggy back on the left frame, with the rilsan collars inserted in the inside of the frame where the fake fuel tank have a insertion:

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Decision Time.. DS or SR???
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:15:02 PM »
At least you live in the US if I don't mistaken.
I had several issues that I deal by myself as my french dealer stopped making Zero !!!

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