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Topics - princec

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Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Alternative belts for the SR/F
« on: December 10, 2023, 11:50:23 PM »
So... are there any alternatives to the Gates belt for the SR/F?

I just don't want to ride mine any more for fear of the Gates one snapping yet again and leaving me stranded suddenly in a possibly dangerous situation yet again. And at over 200 quid to replace it I'm pretty pissed off with the cost.

Cas :)

General Discussion / 3G shut off in UK confirmed
« on: September 20, 2023, 03:56:51 AM »

...which sucks for us Zero owners because that means our bikes will suddenly "go dark". I use the remote connect a surprising amount.

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Quick DSR/X review
« on: July 01, 2023, 11:01:33 PM »
Down to Davant Bikes again today to pick up the SR/F after having the chargers fiddled with once again (short version: Zero chap claimed to have replaced them both, but actually, didn't, and then fled :D). While I was there I had a go on the DSR/X demonstrator, attractively liveried in Avocado Toilet Suite. Seriously Zero. Anyway, at least you don't have to look too much at the colour while you're riding it.

I went out for about an hour, covering about 35 miles perhaps, using about 25% of the battery, with a mix of roads between 20-70mph but no sustained motorway travel, mostly around town. So I guess that means a usefully increased range over my 14.4 SR/F, extrapolating to about 120 miles or so (I get ~100 on the SR/F in the same sort of riding). Unsurprisingly the 20% increase in range tallies almost exactly with the 20% increase in battery capacity. Why this sort of reasoning seems so difficult for other people to grasp is beyond me. Anyhoo...

Size and weight wise, feels rather like a GS Adventure. It ain't light but the weight is pretty low. It is surprisingly large. The seat is surprisingly low. The demo bike had an official large screen fitted but it simply generated big turbulent noise no matter what height I set it at. The hand adjuster is good and easy to operate, even on the move.

It's got the nice new dash that I got fitted under warranty to my SR/F, so that's nice. This one was fitted with aux lights, a metal topbox, and crashbars too. I think the handguards are standard, not sure, but all standard fare and well made. Fit and finish is very good, much better than the original crop of SR/Fs. Same crappy switchgear though.

The seat and ride is plush - really nice, vastly more comfy than the SR/F and the suspension seems to waft over bumps brilliantly unlike the SR/F which batters you. You can feel that it's more gangly than the dense and compact SR/F, and it rocks on its suspension more when you brake. The rear brake is a bit better than the risible effort on the SR/F. It rides a lot quieter than my bike too - less weird noises from the belt, more consistent spaceship sorts of sounds, and quieter. I liked it.

Speed wise, sport mode was oddly muted compared to my bike. My SR/F is genuinely scary in sport mode over 30mph - it actually makes me swear and back off. Not so the DSR/X, which whizzed about well enough, but felt muted, almost like street mode on the SR/F. It's still properly quick mind, just not scarily quick.

Didn't get to test headlight or pillion accommodation of course and I imagine the heated grips are just as good as mine.

All in all... I'd say yes. It's something I'd buy if I was looking right now and it was under £20k and had a charge tank in it. Unfortunately I want to get another 30k miles on the SR/F, and it costs £25k or something daft like that, and there are no charge tanks available yet :P

I'll write to Santa.

Cas :)

Energica / Test ride on a Ribelle RS
« on: August 19, 2022, 09:39:26 PM »
So I got to test a Ribelle RS down at Davant Bikes in Torquay last weekend while they monkeyed with my SR/F. Here's my impressions of it...

- It's so very red and luscious
- Every component on it looks and feels like it costs about twice as much as the same part on my Zero, with the exception of the dash, ignition key, and LHS switchgear. Which is just as well as it costs almost twice as much.
- It doesn't feel much heavier than my SR/F with its charge tank, but it is a fair bit taller to sit in, and this makes it a bit trickier to move it around by hand.
- In general it looks and feels a good chunk bigger than the SR/F, but then I have to remind myself the SR/F is comparatively tiny compared to most bikes.
- As I ride with earplugs in always I didn't really hear the straight cut gear whine much. Once you get going it's drowned out by wind anyway, same as the Zero's belt whine.
- Somehow it feels smoother than the Zero... I suspect that's because of the posher suspension setup.
- It's got a sportier riding position than the SR/F, somewhat canted forward.
- Jesus Christ it is unbelievably fast. There aren't many bikes that make an SR/F in sport mode feel slow but this thing is on another level. I barely got to tweak the throttle in Standard mode and it just hurtles.
- Excellent brakes, and handling felt ok too, though I don't exactly do "sport" riding and as it was just a test ride I wasn't really going to try anything remotely daring.
- Using the same switchgear as Zero does to control the dash means a fairly similar experience there.
- Didn't get a chance to charge it or test range as I was only out for 30 minutes but of course I'd be expecting about 50% more range than the SR/F, or so.
- I think if I got one I'd replace the handlebars with SS9 items to get the comfier position. Actually if I'm honest I should be looking at the SS9 anyway as it's more my style of bike and I'm pretty sure I don't need the insane acceleration of the Ribellle RS.
- Did I mention it was fast

SO there we go... I am in lust. Just need to find 25 grand down the back of the sofa somewhere.

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SR/F Water Fail
« on: July 01, 2022, 07:49:34 PM »
Alas, it has now happened to me, big-time :(

Torrential rain yesterday. Bike suddenly started throwing error codes at me - "Battery Ineligible" and "Isolation Fault" etc. and the CEL illuminated. I nursed it home, where it subsequently refused to charge or power on ("Isolation Fault").
This is a major blow for me - it's my main transport. I'm hoping that if I leave it to dry out it'll recover in a day or two. I've had this problem before when I washed the bike (gently!) which is why it hardly ever gets washed any more, but this is much more serious - it could have happened to me in the middle of nowhere, or worse, on the way to work, costing me a fortune in lost earnings (I'm self employed - if I don't turn up I don't get paid).

Trouble is I'm afeared of sending it to Davant Bikes to get it "looked at" because doubtless there is no actual fix for this issue, and I worry that I'll experience the same bullshit everyone seems to be experiencing, namely their bikes being gone for months, nothing being fixed, and if lucky getting them back with the same problem returning as soon as it rains again.

Does anyone know where the actual problem might lie under the bodywork and what I could do to mitigate it?

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Occasional SR/F charging glitch
« on: May 23, 2022, 10:35:13 PM »
This has recently started occurring. Bike: 2020 SR/F Premium + 6kW Charge tank.

I plug in, fans whirr, 2.1kW, w00t. Wander off, make cup of tea, ponder imponderables, curse at the state of the kitchen, grumpily deal with dishwasher, etc. and in the back of my mind "hmm best check charging..." And of course it's lucky I did check the charging, because it's sat there at 0 amps, sometimes maybe with 0.1kW showing, not charging at all. It just decides to stop charging, randomly, after it's put in 20% or whatever.

This has happened about 4 to 5 times now in the last couple of months and it's really irritating, because one day I'm going to plug in and go to bed and the bugger won't be charged in the morning when I need it for work and then there will be a general wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SR/F unable to take 43kW AC
« on: April 25, 2022, 03:36:45 AM »
Back at Morrisons in Warminster today, to see if the problem I had last year with the 43kW AC tethered charger was just a glitch or whether it's my bike. Well... turns out it's my bike.
The SR/F Premium with Charge Tank is unable to initiate a charge on a 43kW AC charger. It latches the Mennekes, sits there drawing 0 amps for a few seconds, then decides nothing's happening and stops trying. The charger is offering the power for definite, but the Zero isn't asking for any.

So I'm guessing that the Zero is somehow asking the charger what it can offer, the charger says "43kW, buddy" and the Zero goes "oh noes, that's too much, kthxbai". So also presumably this is the bike's problem, and a design feature of the SR/F, rather than the Geniepoint charger being shite.

Can anybody confirm?

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Welp, finally snapped that belt
« on: March 30, 2022, 06:33:18 PM »
Just overtaking someone, not particularly fast. Belt had just over 7k miles on it. No warning or anything, just suddenly lost drive mid-overtake. Sucks.

I will ponder my life's choices as I sit by the side of the road waiting for the AA.

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Check Engine LIght on SR/F
« on: March 19, 2022, 05:34:35 AM »
After exactly 12 months and 6800 trouble free miles of operation... CEL comes on. Just prior to that there was a High Throttle warning which I cleared by switching off and on, and some other error code that since vanished. But now the CEL is on. As I understand it this restricts engine torque?

Anybody know how to clear it without having to go all the way to my dealer (which is basically a whole day wasted)?

Cas :)

General Discussion / Discord lost
« on: March 18, 2022, 06:46:57 AM »
The Discord has been overrun by lame haxx0rs etc. claiming Brandon is some sort of l334 arch-wizard and involved in war propaganda and npm poisoning. I eventually got sick of it and realised it ain't gonna recover. Somebody poke me if it ever gets cleaned up again.

Cas :)


On the one hand... yay, my SR/F is suddenly worth another grand.
On the other hand... what a fucktarded backward decision to make when they were already really rather struggling to convince people they need to shift NOW not in 10 years when we'll all be under water etc.

Cas :(


2KWh for a grand. Or, don't bother selling your electricity back to that greedy utility at a massive loss... hoard it all to yourself.

Cas :)

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Random clock change
« on: June 07, 2021, 03:00:19 PM »
The other day, my SRF decided to randomly change the time on the clock. Presumably if there's a date in there it randomly changed that too.
I haven't figured out how to set it back again yet, but in the meantime, has anybody ever seen this before? It is a particularly bizarre thing to occur.

Cas :)

Pod-point again, but a much simpler device, with no CCS or Chademo sticking out of it too. This time it did, in fact, Just Work. I put in 3KWh in 30 minutes, charging at 51 amps or so / 5.8KW from the 22KW socket, and it cost me about 90p (I'd done about 30 miles). So public charging comes at as 3p/mile, which is still ludicrously cheap compared to petrol which was about 18p/mile. So I'm back to being pleased.

It looks like the posh device down in Portland was just broken. They could have easily avoided the situation if they'd tethered the line because I'm now pretty sure the problem was the device end not locking, not the bike. I'm not entirely sure of the rationale for not tethering the 22KW lines (when the CCS and Chademo both had lines).

Of course now I'm thinking hmm I wish I had one of those charge tank things because a 15 minute crossword break would have been 15 minutes less boring.


then there'd be nowhere to stash the rather massive cable. Hmm.

Cas :)

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