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Messages - SwampNut

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General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 23, 2024, 09:24:35 AM »
LOL. Comparing grass and pavement is even crazier than the vape pen comparison. Hilarious.

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 23, 2024, 03:05:40 AM »
I have a very heavy vehicle from 1982 which has a total of 75k miles on it.  It should have been taxed by weight for that time?  I've driven 3/4 million miles on other vehicles since then.

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 23, 2024, 02:09:14 AM »
A wise exciseman would base taxation on weight, which leaves very little room for argument.

Cas :)

I completely disagree on both points, it's the easiest to argue against.

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 23, 2024, 12:33:08 AM »
In the US we are already taxed for disposal.  Pretty sure it's per tire, as it should be, not miles.  It's not exactly proportional because a motorcycle tire takes far less resources both to start and end life, than say a large pickup tire, but it's not totally crazy.  Actually the Smart's tires might take less resources than my motorcycle's rear tire.

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 22, 2024, 11:16:41 PM »
Tires vary in price greatly, and also disproportionately to wear, quite often.  Our BMW had crazy expensive tires, but gave maybe 18k miles at best.  Our Smart car has the cheapest damn tires and they look like they will go 60k.  There's also the matter of replacing them if they get damaged, and now you're double-taxed.  Oh, and the Smart, being low-mile, got new tires before being worn out because they were simply old.  In my area, old tires do not do well because of heat.  So again, double taxed for no miles.

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 21, 2024, 11:09:42 PM »
What, equating a vape pen fire with an EV is totally on topic and not confusing!!   ::)

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 21, 2024, 10:37:29 PM »
and so everyone's EV insurance has rocketed in the last 12 months.

Um no, no it has not.

General Discussion / Re: UK electric motorcycle sales
« on: February 21, 2024, 09:43:50 PM »
I assume that insurance companies are all worried about EV battery fires when charging and if they get in an accident. EV's are apparently like rolling bombs as far as insurance companies are concerned. Remember, perception of danger is much more important than reality.

Insurance companies don't work on perception, they work on hard numbers.  EVs catch fire at a vastly lower rate than ICE, but since they are self-oxidizing they can go longer and do more damage per fire.  Also EVs can catch fire while charging, which is often inside the house, and ICE fires are vastly more common while being driven, and not in your house.

NYC has seen a huge number of life-threatening apartment fires from ebike charging.  The numbers prove that the fear is real.

Huh, well I always push down on the lid of whatever I'm opening, including the trunk of a car, to take pressure off the lock.  Just a habit I guess.

I just dug into it, and referenced the manual when I had questions.  It's time, but not a big deal.  It will be VERY helpful to have a second person to remove the one big, unwieldy top piece.

It is technically possible to reach the locking mechanism with a hook, but you'd have to know exactly where to reach and what it looks like.  I've had the fairing off, it's not terrible.  And I would like to add a hidden non-key way to open the box, for access while riding.  I made some mental notes on possible options, but ... have forgotten them all.  You might also be able to simply loosen and pry open the side plastic to reach up.  The mechanism is simple, and if you can reach it, you can pull the unlock cable on the back of the lock.  The latch is below the charger area, I think, which is a pain to remove.

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: Naxeon I AM electric motorcycle
« on: February 11, 2024, 09:57:55 PM »
I normally rate 96-98.

OMG, this is horrifying. Your car is monitoring you, measuring your performance, grading you on it, and sending the grade up to everyone who can tell you what to do. I just can't believe you or anyone would buy into that, at any cost. When enough people do, it will become standard, and that's just an Orwellian nightmare. Those numbers mean virtually NOTHING. They'll judge everyone against average, or worse, against the least common denominator of drivers. It's the same with centralized thermostat controls. The slippery slope argument actually applies here. With surveillance and speed cameras, cell phone tracking, GPS tracking, mileage and toll tracking, phasing out of cash and ID for cell phones, we're all going to be remote controlled.


Lightning / Re: I ordered a Lightning.
« on: February 09, 2024, 10:13:51 PM »
Same with Fulgora in Southern CA.  Maybe they have to ask ahead of time?

I just realized I didn't re-check the belt after having my rear tire replaced.  (550 miles, got a large screw in it, sigh.)

Energica / Re: Right Hand Grip / Switches Unit
« on: February 08, 2024, 09:21:33 PM »
This is hilarious: the throttle is the same as Energica and Zero but MV branded. From 'startup' Energica I understand that they try to manage cost and take CC controls off the shelf. From MV Augusta with all their fancy parts it's almost embarrassing. Maybe MV drivers don't use cruise control so often...

Yeah, that's a real bummer. Even premium car manufacturers use off-the-shelf-stuff (Mercedes uses Renault stuff, Aston Martin used Ford stuff, Porsche uses Skoda/VW stuff and so on).
That's how you increase profits. ::)

Some car and motorcycle makers decide they can reinvent the wheel and make everything themselves.  That's how you increase cost and decrease reliability.  If a menial part with a proven track record exists, USE IT!  I have a full wood shop at home, it's my hobby.  One day the wife asks for a shelf thing that's going in her closet in the corner to hold stuff.  I bought it at Ikea.  People would ask why I didn't build it.  Because it costs more to go collect hobby-grade wood and make something that just doesn't matter at all because it's hidden and just needs to do a job.

Energica / Re: Right Hand Grip / Switches Unit
« on: February 08, 2024, 01:51:16 AM »
BMW and the newer Harleys.  Some think the Harley has too many buttons, but it's so usable and precise.

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