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Topics - GaryArt1

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Electric Motorcycle News / Zero SRS featured in Sena Commercial
« on: October 11, 2020, 09:28:07 PM »
Not sure if you guys saw this or if it was posted a while ago.  i was just watching the new Sena 50 commercial and the SRS had a prominent role in it.  I guess the HD speakers sound much better on a silent bike.   Nice seeing Zero come mainstream.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SR/F mirror extenders
« on: May 17, 2020, 10:55:26 PM »
So I had added a bunch of mods and accessories on my SR/F so far (bar risers, windshield, top box, tank bag,etc) and I have a bunch more I'm waiting on in the next few months (power tank, corbin seat, center stand, lower pegs).  One of the best mods I made is when I bought a $15 set of mirror extenders.  I used to have to move my shoulders anytime I wanted to see behind me with the stock mirrors.  On my ride yesterday I was reminded again how much easier it is seeing behind me with these extenders.  They are cheap and take about 10 minutes to install.  I wish all my accessories was cheap and easy like that.  For anyone interested here are the ones I purchased:

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SRF tank lid replacement
« on: November 26, 2019, 07:54:38 AM »
Did anyone get this yet or hear about when it is coming in?  It was supposed to be released in November but my dealer still hasn't heard when he is getting it.  My bike is at dealer getting the BMS replaced and I hope the dealer can do everything before returning bike to me.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SRF dead after 3 months
« on: November 09, 2019, 06:16:24 AM »
So I had my first major problem with SRF and I didn't even update firmware.  I went for a ride Wednesday and postponed the update after all I read here.  All was good.  Bike ran great. I was getting down to about 30% SOC and saw a charging station in a shopping center.  I thought it is an ideal time to top it off.  I turned off the bike and connected the charger.  Nothing happened.  The bikes display didn't come on and the charger waited for the bike to communicate.  I thought maybe an issue with the charger so I unhooked (had so problem doing that) and went to continue on my way.  Well i got an check engine light and 12 v fault error and the bike would not run.  I switched it off and on a few times but same.  I disconnected battery to reboot system but same thing once I reconnected.  Each time I tried it, the lights and display would shut down sooner and sooner after I keyed it on.  So I am guessing the 12v battery must be dead or dying.  I have a call into dealer who has a call into Zero and now just waiting.  It took a whole 3 months until I had to have the bike towed home.  Not good Zero for a 20K bike.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Package from Zero for SRF
« on: September 25, 2019, 04:48:04 AM »
I just got a Fed Ex notification that a package has shipped from Zero for SRF.  It looks like it is a 1lb package.  I can't figure what is could be.  The only thing I have on order is a top box kit from AF1 racing but even if they had Zero ship it directly, it would be more than 1lb.  Can't figure out what this can be.  Anyone getting something similar that got one of the original SRFs.

Come join us Sunday October 20th, for the 1st New York City, Zero Motorcycle Meet-up & Ride to Bear Mountain, NY!

-Meet @ Filipacchi 9am for Complementary Bagels and Coffee

 -Depart at 9:30am for group ride to Bear Mountain.

- Lunch in Cold Spring, New York

-RSVP to info@filipacchi.com

**All are welcome to join the ride!

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Updated site
« on: September 18, 2019, 07:33:38 PM »
Hey I just saw Zero updated their site with 2020 models.  As we figured, not much change other than color/graphics.  Though now they list a DSR Black Forest Edition that is nicely decked out.  Store is still MIA. Promos updated for SRF. Owners area updated with Firmware and manuals for 2020 models.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Charging Etiquette
« on: September 07, 2019, 07:20:51 AM »
So as someone new to EVs I was wondering about the proper etiquette at charging stations. I am not talking about people ICEing us but rather how we should handle a charging station.  So far I have only charged at my house and a Tesla charger in a mall.  I looked on plugshare and I seen chargers listed in public parks, private businesses, hotels and auto dealers. Now I can guess the public areas and paid chargepoint sites are open to all to just drive up and use but how do you handle ones in private companies (hotels, car dealers).  Do you stop in and ask if you can charge first?  Do you assume being it is in a "public" part of their property it is yours to use freely.  Do you offer them to pay for the electric? If so, how much?  And how about campground, do you ask if you can rent a site for a few hours to charge your bike?

Also, while charging is it expected you will be back the minute the charge is over otherwise the guy waiting is going to be pissed.  If I hook my SRF up to a charge and it texts me it is done while I am in the middle of a bite of my hamburger, am I expected to spit it out and throw a $20 at the waitress as I am running out the door?

I just want to not be one of those guys who all EVers hate because they make it worse for everyone. Any advice you can offer would be very helpful.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / I am an Electric Bike convert
« on: September 05, 2019, 06:39:10 AM »
So yesterday I rode my V-twin ICE bike that I haven't rode since I bought the SR/F a month ago.  I realized one thing, I am a true electric convert.  This is what I found:
1. My cruiser/tourer felt heavy.  Not nearly as nimble as the SR/F.
2. My ICE bike felt sluggish.  I used to think it was fast but now it feels slow compared with the SR/F.
3. I do not miss the clutch, the noise and the vibration.  The SR/F is so much nicer to ride. It felt like a "pure" riding experience.
4. I do miss my comfortable Mustang seat on the ICE.  The SR/F seat is not bad but for longer trips it doesn't compare to the Mustang.
5. I do miss not worrying about the range.  I know this would get better as I get used to the range of the SR/F but I have already rode it down to 0% and was sweating it out.
6. I like riding my SR/F so much more than my ICE bike.
7. If my SR/F had the range of my ICE bike I probably almost never ride the ICE bike again.

So after this ride, I pushed my ICE bike once again to the back of the garage because I know I will be riding the SR/F for all my rides in the foreseeable future.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SRF Bar riser
« on: July 25, 2019, 12:34:21 AM »
So I copied my ZOFG post over to here in case anyone on here is interested . There are photos on the original facebook post (but they are too large for here.
So yesterday I installed some bar risers on my SR/F. I wanted risers mainly to take a little pressure off my wrists. I knew I didn't need much. So I got the Rox 1 1/2" risers that offsets the bar an inch back. I did this because i didn't want the bar to block the dash and wanted it a little bar toward the seat. I really like the way it came out. It just gives enough rise that allows me to sit the way I want and my arms bend a little taking pressure off my wrists and shoulders. Now if you are looking for a totally upright seating position, this is not for you. It is a subtle change but it works for me. The best thing is that other than clipping some zip ties and loosening up the cables/wiring, it worked without any modifications. I just did that, removed the bar, installed the risers with original bolts (with locktight being they are hard to get to after install) and carefully lifted bar unto risers and attached using new bolts and old clamp (I like the look of the old clamp). the wires are taught when the bar swings end to end but not too tight. Gave it a good ride this morning and it worked great. I would highly suggest this mod for anyone who wants a little rise in the bar.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SR/F complaints
« on: June 02, 2019, 02:57:52 AM »
So I hear a lot of complaints about the SR/F.  It is delayed, no/wrong information from dealers, no charging cables, lower range, no L3 charging.  I will be the first one to admit, some of these complaints actually came from me.  This weekend I was thinking about it (rather than riding it like expected) and I came upon a thought.  These complaints have one significant difference than most of the other complaints you hear about zeros.  See the other complaints are from people who paid hard earned money for their bikes and now there is something wrong that is frustrating them.  The key difference is that we haven't even bought our bikes yet.  WE can always just go get our money back and move on.  So I thought of this mathematical formula we can use.

When the negatives of the SR/F > our desire to own it = you walk away and buy another bike. 

This is the best message one can send to a company.  You talk with your hard earned money rather than complaining to a group of people who own Zeros on this forum and others.  Once I thought of this I quickly realized that my desire for the SR/F is still greater than my frustration with waiting.  I decided I mine as well just be patient and not frustrate myself.   Saved me a lot of money on counselling.   Now one day, if the shipping delay keeps up,  the other side of the equation may become greater and I will move on to another bike.  Until then I will wait patiently for the day I actually own the SR/F and then I can complain about all the things wrong with my $20K bike.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / SR/F and charging thoughts
« on: May 14, 2019, 06:33:24 PM »
So as I sit here patiently waiting on my first electric motorcycle, the SR/F, my mind wanders on random thoughts.  The latest is on charging the SR/F.  This is my opinion only.  Keep in mind, this is my first experience with electric bikes so much of what I relate to is in my previous ICE bikes and overall life experiences.  Feel free to correct me where I am wrong.

1. Level 1: This year they doubled the rate of level one charging.  It went from approx 8 hours to 4.  I am really glad they improved this.  No matter where we live, L1 charging is the most prevelent, everyone has an outdoor outlet. It will be nice when I go to visit someone, I can plug in and charge up.  With the increased charging rate, even a few hour visit can really boost the bike’s charge.

2. Level 2: This is now standard on the SR/F, where you used to have to buy the charge tank.  So it takes about 2 hours which is not great but not really bad.  If you are trying to use the bike for a long trip, yes 2 hour breaks are tough.  It you pull into a charging station in a mall parking lot, grab lunch and do some shopping, 2 hours is nothing.  Level 2 chargers are everywhere these days, at least in the Northeast US. They are cheap to purchase for home use.  I have one of these at my house and am glad that I can get home from a ride, hook up, grab a bite to eat and go back out riding.  I am very glad this is standard on the SR/F and can’t comprehend Harley’s decision to have Level 2 charging on Livewire charge at the rate of L1.

3. Level 3: Now here is where all the controversy comes in.  So I know it would be nice to bring the 2 hours down to under an hour.  This would be a must to level the playing feild with ICE bikes for longer trips.  I know in parts of the country these are more prevelant but in the Northeast right now, they are few and far between.  You will also not have this charging at your home being the expense of the charger.  At first I was hoping for the SR/F to have the option of L3.  I figured it would future proof the bike.  No matter what, as electric vehicles become more prevelent, fast charging will become more widespread. 

Now here comes the kicker.  Lately I have been thinking I am glad it doesn’t have L3.  Now here me out.  I have always been one to upgrade, mess with and repair my toys are my own.  Unless it is a major job, as long as I can find instructions, I plan on doing some of the repairs on the SR/F myself.  Here’s the thing.  From my days doing construction I had learned that doing electrical work will get you shocked once in a while.  Do enough of it and it is unavoidable.  I also learned that 120 volts will wake you up and make you know you are alive but rarely much more.  Now working on 220 volt and higher may actually be very dangerous.  My understanding  is that in order to have L3 charging, you are talking about 220 volts and over.  I am not sure if I would be comfortable tinkering on a 300 volt bike.  Especially in the garage where no one would here me scream and hit the floor.   It would probably take a day or so for my family to realize I never came in from the garage.  So if I am correct in my facts, I am kind of glad Zero stayed with the lower voltage and L2 charging.  Maybe in a few years when I am older and don’t want to do repairs myself, and L3 charging is everywhere, I may regret it.  But right now I am happy with Zero’s decision.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Interesting quotes from CEO Paschel
« on: March 29, 2019, 10:22:38 PM »
So I was reading a Forbes article that was an interview of Zero’s CEO Sam Paschel and here are some interesting things I got out of it:

Paschel:  We sell between 2,000 and 10,000 motorcycles per year. We're cranking our SR/Fs on two shifts and have the capacity to build 10,000 of those on their own in a given year.

So i know this is a HUGE range but it gives us an estimate on Zero sales.  I have seen some article say they sell 750 bikes a year.  Also good to see they are really working on getting out the SR/Fs.  Especially if this quote is true:

Paschel: We've been very lucky in that we've been following the EV curve and not the motorcycle curve. Last year, there was only one month where we didn't set wholesale and retail records for the business. I believe our largest challenge now will be: Can we keep up with demand? The response to the SR/F has been overwhelming. Our challenge is how we can ramp in the face of an exponential growth curve.

So it seems Zero is doing pretty well and the SR/F may be their biggest hit yet if we are to believe what we read.   

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / What can you expect for battery life?
« on: March 26, 2019, 08:07:18 PM »
So one of my fellow bikers asked me this question and I began answering it with what I thought was correct information but started second guessing myself. 
They asked how many years of good service can you get out of the Zero battery.  So I know battery degradation is a curve rather than an straight line with a deinfitive end point.   So I guess one has to first establish at what percentage would you consider serious degradation.  Let’s say 70-75% of original capacity.  Baring any problems or abuse of the battery, what are we looking at?  I heard numbers such as 10 Years.  Also is there a point in battery age that the degradation curve gets dramatically steeper, say 15 years?.  I’ve heard the battery should last as long as the bike’s lifetime.  I am not sure if they mean a battery with enough charge to get you around the block.  The thing is my ICE bike is still running good 15 years later.  Yeah it is not worth anything but rides great.  How will my new Zero hold up?

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Any accessories for SR/F
« on: March 26, 2019, 06:37:56 PM »
Hey has anyone heard of any assessories that is or will soon be available for SR/F.  I saw a picture a while back that looked like it had some different size seats, handlebar (not sure what was different), top case and side bags.  I asked my dealer but he has not heard anything yet on what they will have and when it will be available.  Anybody have any more info?

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