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Messages - scorpion32

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Thx for the information.

Seems i have to change my dealer. Still not responding. Probably its because i have not buyed the bike from him but from another dealer 60 miles way.
But he could´t gave me a reasonable price for a 2016 zero. So i buyed from the more remote dealer.

Dear all,
i ordered a spare drive belts for my DSR 2016 model in advance since i read that it´s a pain to wait for a replacement in case your belt is really broken.
But now i already wait for 2 months for the delivery. My dealer told me he has not got an answer from zero yet. So he does not know the order-id for the drive belt replacement nor the price for it.

Sounded very odd to me, so i contacted zero by myself using the e-mail: inquiries.eu@zeromotorcycles.com. But now for one week no response.

Not a good impression for customer service. At least for the EU Part of Zero.

Anybody has a quote for the drive belt replacement for a DSR 2016 model? Any order-id i can forward to my dealer?


Tech Help / Re: Adjust belt tension -> Need of lifting ramp?
« on: April 07, 2017, 08:58:20 PM »
Thx guys,
now i feels safe to make the adjustments prior to my trip tomorrow.


Tech Help / Adjust belt tension -> Need of lifting ramp?
« on: April 07, 2017, 07:34:12 PM »
I realized that my belt tension is not in spec. Almost 20kg too much.

Question: Is it necessary to put the zero on a lifting ramp so that the rear tire is without ground connection? Or can i just adjust the belt tension as described in the manual without a lifting ramp?
(The manual is not mentioning a lifting ramp, however the manual is known for not beiing very precise for the maintenance work (e.g. if changing headlight bulb, it does not say how to get to the "back of the lamp")

My concern is if i do it without a lifting ramp, probably the rear tire gets some "track-angle" if fastened again.

Thx for you help.

I can also confirm that % jumps after disconnecting the charge cable are normal.
Biggest jump i have noticed was from 83% up to 91%. Thats also a bit odd to me, since on other EVs this is not the case. So not sure if this is normal. Maybe its a fault, who knows? That we all have these jumps does not automatically mean its normal behaviour.

I never charged to 100% while using the Type1 cable. I more often use the normal black power cord to charge to 100%. Here also the charge tank is used and it never triggers the breaker.

Some other strange behaviour: If i start to ride from 100% and stop by 98%, 2 hours later the display reads 100% again without charging.

Hi all,
i just installed new LED turning signals on my zero. As a result i noticed hyper flashing.

First this was strange and i looked for a way to get rid of the hyper flashing. Now after a first ride with the hyper flashing turning signals i noticed
that other vehicles take more care about the motorcycle. Somehow it seems that they notice it with more attention. My feeling is that this contributes to
a safer ride. Or is it just annoying for the other vehicle drivers?

What do you think about hyper flashing turn signals? Good or bad thing?

Thx for your point of view.

Tech Help / Re: Weiser turning signal hyper flashing
« on: April 05, 2017, 04:37:54 AM »
Hi MrDude_1,

thx for the great description and the pics. Wow, the solution to modify the flasher is really cool and sounds easy to archieve.

Any drawbacks after the procedure? What is the functionality of Pin No 7?

Tech Help / Weiser turning signal hyper flashing
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:57:15 PM »
I just installed the Weiser extreme LED turning signals for my zero DSR 2016 model.
After the installation i noticed a significant hyper flashing on  each of the turning signals.

This is odd, since Weiser claims that their LED solution as an upgrade are especially designed that they are not going into hyperflashing.

Despite of this, there are usually two ways to get rid of this issue (as i learned from internet)
1. Install a resistor for each of the turning signals
2. Install a new load independent relay

Another odd thing is that they are not hyperflashing if i turn on "hazard warning flasher" mode.
Then all turning signals blinking like normal again. So the hyperflashing is only there if i use the turning signals as usual.

Can somebody of you explain this behaviour?

I would expect that they are also hyperflashing in "harzard warning mode". But they don´t.

Are there seperate circuit used for "hazard warning mode"?

Thx for helping me out of this.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: LED turn signals
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:42:26 PM »
Are these any more visible than the stock lights?

I bought these:
which are a *lot* more expensive. But are *really* bright.

 I'd like to see a comparison between the two. No, make that three: stock vs. LED1 vs. LED2.

Guess that means I'm shelling out a few bucks for a comparison ... stay tuned ...

i also bought the Weiser LEDs, but now they are hyper flashing. Did you experienced the same behaviour? What have you done against it?

Thx in advance for a reply.

I also ordered the weiser turning signals. And they flash in a much too high frequency.
@wijnand71, do you still have the pictures you have posted? Somehow they are not displayed.

Tech Help / Right turning signal died
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:45:13 AM »
Just prior to my rides i always check the brakes, turning signals, lights, etc.
Well, today the right turning signal was not working.  :(.

As a result i had to cancel the ride and had to found the reason for this. First assumption was that the bulb is probably defect, but it was not.
After a closer look at the connection cable of the right turning signal i saw that the plug connector behind the bulb housing was just "broken off".  >:(.
How can this happen? I never ever had such a failure on any of my other vehicles. Just ordered some new plug connectors and a crimping tool.
I really hope that not all connections on the zero are in such a fragile quality. Maybe thats the reason why they glue such a lot connections.

In the attachment is a pic with the broken off connector plug (+ signal connector still there, - signal connector broken off),

I like the "100% electric" also.

I look for something similar. Probably something that can be attached on the back of the bike.
Maybe we should come up with a slogan, since zero seems not to have one.

I like "enjoy the silence - 100% electric", but this might be puzzling for some people.

Haha, sombody already had the same idea (see the pic).

to contribute to the list:

- running light cable not connected
- H4 headlight connector glued to H4 housing
- Windshield not properly attached
- seat not properly attached (one of the outer plastic alignments was not inserted)

Today i decided to change my main H4 bulb against a stronger H4 bulb from Osram.
The process of doing this looks really easy - just 4 screws - unplug connector, remove rubber, remove bulb, insert new build....

Well i succeeded to remove the 4 screws but i was unable to remove the damn connector from the H4 bulb. It comes out, that one of the 3 H4 bulb pins was glued to the connector.
How come? Well, in some youtube videos you get some short insights at the factory of zero and how the workers put things together. In these videos you can clearly see that almost everything gets some glue on it. It seems that they also glue the wires for the H4 connector. In my case i guess the glue was also in contact with one of the H4 bulb connectors, holding it in place.

In the end i managed to change the H4 bulb, but i literally had to tear off the connector with a wrench. During this process i used a lot of f... words, sorry for my neighbours. Hopefully no kids around ;-).

The new bulb is now much better. The name of the bulb is "Osram Night Racer". They claim that it has 110% more light. Not sure if its sold in the US.

Anybody else has same experiences with glued components that should not be glued?

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / OMG - Windshield flips over at 160 km/h
« on: February 17, 2017, 08:05:05 PM »
Hi all,
yesterday i was back on my trip home. The last distance is a 15km ride on the Autobahn / Highway.
This is the time when i push the DSR to the limit and drive faster than usual. The dash reads 160 km/h.  8)

I always try to expect the unexpected if driving so fast:
- other cars moving in my way without using turn signal
- dirt or gravel on the street
- icy surfaces
- cars that might overtake from the wrong side of the road (in germany we have law that you only can overtake on the left side)

But then something happened i was not expecting.....my windshield just flipped over down to the charge tank. It was still connected, but i guess the wind driving pressure was too much for it. Suddenly i had all the wind on my chest and i was really surprised by the amount of wind at that speed. It takes 1-2 seconds until i realized what just had happened. During this time period i guess i was completely distracted from the traffic situation in front of me.

Lucky me i was not in between a lane shift or similar. Then this could really ruin my day. :(

The windshield came initially preinstalled with the DSR Anniversary Edition, so i never checked how tight it was connected. I will now re-check every single screw on that bike.

Why i post this message? Well, of course it´s impossible to expect the unexpected, but now as you are aware of what might happen to the windshield, probably this situation is more "expected" for you if you might get in the same situation.

Hopefully you never have this experience. And probably you should check if your windshield is still properly attached from time to time.


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