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Messages - Doug S

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General Discussion / Re: Scotts Valley is being evacuated
« on: August 23, 2020, 10:09:44 PM »
If you people would just rake your forests, like the President told you to THREE YEARS AGO!!!....

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Zero DSR Real range uphill
« on: July 02, 2020, 09:11:42 PM »
Don't forget that you can almost always squeeze out a little more range by going slower. You can't eliminate the loss of charge due to elevation gain, but you can almost always reduce the loss due to wind resistance. If you're willing and able to reduce your speed without risk of being run over by faster-moving traffic, you're almost always capable of reducing your drag and increasing the range.

As noted by others, cell balancing is handled by the BMS, so yes, it will cell balance on any charger.

The real question, though, is are you going to be connected long enough to do it? I strongly doubt it, since most likely the whole reason you're using a more powerful charger is to charge up faster and get back on the road quicker.

My main concern is that the new battery pack voltage will be greater than 200VDC. If it's still low, it's just another step down the not-DC-charge-compatible road. Please, please raise the voltage!

Uncompromisingly Republican city government. SDG&E is totally out of control and nobody can does or can do anything about it.

I ran the numbers before I bought my 2014 SR, so it must have been in late 2013. I compared it to putting more miles on my BMW 328i, since it was my other vehicle. I wound up with a break-even point somewhere in the 50k (miles) range, and I've got that on my bike now.

Things have changed, though. Gasoline is incredibly cheap right now due to low demand, and electricity is incredibly expensive here in San Diego. (I'm paying $0.52 /kWh, and that's with the EV rate!) So if I ran the numbers today, it might not be much cheaper at all to ride the bike, let alone pay back the purchase price in a reasonable amount of time.

There are other reasons to enjoy electric motorcycles, though. In addition to their riding charms, which are considerable, what it really comes down to for me is the fuel is renewable (at least potentially) and already part of the carbon cycle. I just bought a new barbecue grill, and I went with charcoal instead of propane or natural gas for the exact same reason -- we have GOT to break our addiction to petrochemicals. It won't happen until we make it happen.

You're making a couple of naive errors that many new solar converts make. First, your "345W" solar panels will never deliver that. They may approach "rated" voltage unloaded; "rated" current into a short circuit; together, never. That's just how they rate them. You'll be doing well to deliver 250 actual watts on a good day in direct summer sunshine, or around 500 watts (0.5kw) between the two.

Your primary mistake, however, is conflating kwh and kw. A battery's capacity is rated in kwh, power is rated in kw. You're saying you want to charge a 13kwh battery (your bike) from your buddy's 2.4kwh battery. Do you see the problem with this? You could gain a partial charge, but only very partial. The solar array's ~0.500kw will help, of course, but only slowly.

Sure, you could do it, but only over the course of many hours and/or several days.

General Discussion / Re: Electric Motorcycles Survey
« on: April 19, 2020, 04:30:37 AM »
Make a bike with 10 minute charging, 400 mile range, no maintenance, better performance than gas at about 7/10s the price.
The things will sell themselves.  There, I just saved everybody a lot of wasted advertising money and survey time.

Yeah...that's not helpful. Engineers have to work with the technologies that are available, making what compromises are possible to achieve the best possible bike. Knowing what the public prioritizes helps them make compromises to get the most desirable bike with today's technology. The ideal bike will remain impossible for the foreseeable future.

Buy Sell Trade / Re: Thinking about trading my 2016 DSR for a FXS.
« on: March 31, 2020, 08:22:18 AM »
Different machines for different purposes....sounds like you know that already. That's just a decision you'll have to make. I don't ride off-road, but if you do at all, I doubt the DSR is right for you. It's more an "if you gotta" off-road bike than an "occasional" off-road bike.

If you're on a PC (Windows machine), right-click on the file name, then select "open with" and then "paint". Select the "resize" option from the paint home page. Leave the "maintain aspect ratio" option clicked on so your picture will maintain its shape, and size how you want it.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: SR/F Steering lock - question
« on: March 26, 2020, 08:51:32 PM »
On my 2014 SR, I often have to pull the handlebar hard over to the left to make sure things line up well enough to allow the lock to engage. Even just the resilience of the tire rubber on the pavement can cause the handlebar to spring away from full left that the lock won't engage. Just hold it over when you engage the steering lock.

Grabbing a handful of throttle is a fossil fuel habit, born of weak motors that require spin up before they have power.  If you start on electric, you don't have these bad habits.

Eh. I started on ICE bikes 45 years ago now (my 12th birthday), and I didn't have any problem at all transferring over a few years ago. It's a foolish rider who doesn't familiarize himself with his ride before whacking open the throttle.

General Discussion / Re: Tesla factory ordered closed
« on: March 20, 2020, 01:09:18 AM »
When you think of the size of the hole already punched in our economy, it's staggering. And it's going to get much worse.

For a tiny fraction of that amount of money, we could have gotten in front of this thing by manufacturing test kits by the bajillions, and hiring and training thousands of people to track down anyone who'd had contact with people who came down with the disease. That's how highly contagious diseases with no treatments (like Ebola) are handled, and it's very effective. Shutting down the economy is just a sledge-hammer approach that hurts everyone.

By "tops" Tesla, they just mean the battery pack has more capacity. That's not necessarily indicative of good engineering, though, just lots and lots of cells strung together. Not much challenge in that.

And they're taking liberties saying it's cheaper, as well. My digging around says Tesla was under the $100/kWh threshold for cell cost alone two years ago, and they were projecting they'd be able to make complete packs for that by this year. Dunno if they're there yet, but IIRC GM was talking about the cell cost alone, in which case they're at best even with Tesla, perhaps trailing, with a battery pack they have yet to hit the production line with.

It's just silly and at best marginally untrue sales hype.

Doug S. Some of us like the carrot juice approach. I want a bike I can use smart, not a show piece with masses of power I cannot use without losing my licence. If I want speed and ultimate handling , I want range as well. That means ICE for the time being. I have an MT07 for that. I don't want to live in a world that is ONLY carrot juice and kale. But I need them ( OK NOT kale, it's aweful). In a revised Mazlow's heirarchy of need , a supercommuter is above a sports electric bike in my case. For me a supercommuter is a tool, and a superbike a toy to play with.
My need is a need. A bike that can carry me into town and back. Starting and finishing at 100kph, and the rest at town speeds. I can charge it from my solar array during the day for power. And one I can afford, which means made in China or India or Thailand, I would think. Anything made in the USA will be way overpriced once it hits Australia. As Zero found out, selling in Aus is just too costly.

All I ask for is a machine that can do all of that. Provide cheesecake thrills and carrot juice abstemiousness, with only one bike taking up space in my garage and wasting my insurance/registration/maintenance dollars. I don't think it's impossible, and I think the existing electric motorcycles come very close to the (at least my) ideal. Okay, MAAAAAYBE you could half commuting expenses again with an ultra minimalist approach, but we're already so far down in the mud I don't think you're really going to benefit much.

I agree. It seems only fair to pay a fair price for a charge. Places like casinos give free charges as an incentive to get people inside, but out in the wild, I don't expect free juice.

Assuming it's a fair price, that is. Some of these outfits charge way, way too much, to the point it's cheaper to ride/drive ICE. That does cause me some indigestion. I imagine it will work itself out at some point.

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