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Messages - BrianTRice@gmail.com

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I should say that I'll post a status update about myself personally at some point, but for now I'll say that I've had really terrible migraines for the last few years that aren't letting up, so it's been difficult to engage in after-working-hours projects requiring long term thinking. I have a bunch of projects that are sitting a bit dormant that are highly relevant to this forum.

As many probably remember, though, that even without headaches, I am not too much a fan of forum discussions, or with some members of this community being held in what I think is an unreasonable regard. So, I'm not going to step in much at least on this site.

The site had been hacked a couple of years ago, and then fixed and cleaned up. This appears to be an overlooked piece of spam that wasn't cleaned up properly.

I've deleted that initial blurb identified above. It's hard for me to know if that's all there is, though - searching for spam keywords is hard to make comprehensive.

I believe the site logins are now fairly restricted to avoid the problem recurring, but I'm unsure how it can be fixed without the site owner's involvement to truly upgrade the software (MediaWiki).

But he didn't attack you in this thread.  And I didn't know there was anything between you two.  It was an innocent question gone horribly wrong.

You both are very important to this community.

He sure as hell did attack me in that thread, as did Brandon. And they are toxic members of the community who've attacked many of their customers and interfered wrongfully with business partners. I've held my tongue about them because they've threatened me, and I'm not the only one, I'm just the only one bothering to say anything about it.

I still have them blocked on social media because they threatened me. My defensive posture in that thread is not the same as them jumping into the thread (which was not about them) to attack me.

Ah. I'll skip this, then, and keep riding with the more mature community I've joined.

I got fed up with this forum a few months ago, but a colleague pointed out this thread.

I'm willing to try this group ride, but I have been put off by group ride manners/etiquette in previous years, and have since been riding with more experienced/calmer ICE motorcyclists.

I'll show up with my streamliner DSR, which gets 150 miles of range, enough to help others out in case anything goes wrong.

General Discussion / Re: The Hydrogen Highway
« on: July 29, 2020, 09:33:43 AM »
With my latest Zero, I can make it from SF to Alice’s with 67% SoC, but charging there would be nice because I can EAT there, unlike most charging stations locations like the library that’s 0.7 miles down the road where I can walk around and maybe use the park for a little exercise.

Destination charging at restaurants like this isn’t just about straight line trip legs. It’s often about getting somewhere else without your lunch being a delay.

That hydrogen station has all the electrical upgrades a generous EV charging station group would need. I’m pretty sure from Alice’s perspective, they just want to keep costs low (let’s just admit the food isn’t the draw, and the young staff are probably not well paid) and are not concerned about traffic. They don’t have trouble keeping the place full.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: MBB set command
« on: July 27, 2020, 12:11:28 PM »
There is also the CSS Electronics range of loggers. I'm using a CL2000 on my bike. But I haven't had a dealer touch it. It does require some wire splicing to make work, though, and although I have a decoder working, some of the details of the decoding need a little cleanroom work for me to release responsibly.


Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Corbin saddle on 2018 S
« on: July 25, 2020, 07:41:55 AM »
When I had a Corbin, my partner actually wound up liking the pillion area better than stock.

On the other hand (after a total accident and new DSR), I had a custom seat made from my latest Zero pan, and had the rider/passenger area made to my liking which seems to be fine as well.

The Corbin gunfighter design is rider-centric, for sure, focusing on letting the rider scoot back and lean forward for a little more help with an aerodynamic crouch or tuck.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: SOC adjusted for voltage
« on: July 25, 2020, 07:36:26 AM »
The BMS changes modes of SoC indication in some conditions. Historically, it used to be that there'd be "coulomb counting" (integrating current over time to estimate discharge total) and "voltage-based estimation" (where the at-rest or operating voltage would be measured very well but then indirectly used to infer SoC).

On older firmware, when the battery comes to a resting state at the end of a charge, or when the bike is turned off and left to sit for a couple minutes, voltage estimation mode would kick in.

On newer firmware, there's a kind of multivariate model compiled from a lot of training, which had a lot of jumpy issues accommodating real world conditions it wasn't trained on, BUT it seems to be less jumpy now. Nevertheless, if there is a jump, it is likely because of this general concept of mode-switching in the SoC calculation method. I just can't speak to it very accurately without attempting to reverse engineer Zero's firmware, which I don't have time for.

One article about this for the Zero: https://zeromanual.com/wiki/State_of_Charge

Now, as to voltage itself, it is worth noting that battery terminal voltage is dynamic depending on charging and discharging (riding) operations. Voltage sags under the load of current going out, and voltage rises or lifts when current comes in, because of the internal resistance of the pack forming a circuit resistive element.

All of this to say that the rate of charge or discharge changes voltage by a more or less proportional amount, and so when charging tapers and stops, voltage levels off in a way that is reacting to the taper.

In short, it's complicated. Focus on whether the SoC indication is hard to work with (I think Zero doesn't do a good job helping the rider understand battery state, and the focus on SoC with no other indications is a weird product-design-engineering myopia that got us here).

Parts, Mods And Hacks / Re: New TC chargers coming to market
« on: July 25, 2020, 07:26:26 AM »
I forgot to follow up on this post, since it happened during one of my surgery recovery periods.

Excellent work with that setup. I've seen the chassis drawings but hadn't had reason to shift over from the HK-J.

25 lbs is a bit much to deal with onboard, even for 6.6kW, but offboard or in the SDS tank area, it's fine. The connectors and wiring look solid.

I don't even see these chargers on Elcon's product listing or manuals pages, nor knew to ask about them from Elcon.

I'll add this to my queue for the unofficial manual. Any details you can add would be welcome.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: MBB set command
« on: July 25, 2020, 07:19:25 AM »
Has anyone posted the PASSWORDS?  One of the former technicians shared logs which had a password.  It started with "thomas".  One garage here has cables (they want $250 to loan them to me) but they said they don't have the new passwords and the dealer changed mine after updating software.  I asked them not to update.

Nope (aside from the level 1 password which is embedded in the mobile app because that's what it uses to sign in). Zero does NOT like people even sharing the passwords privately. The Level 3 password changed as of MBB firmware from 2017, and Zero dealers and their service technicians don't even see the passwords any more, since they're embedded in the GUI tools used to service the bikes.

There's more going on in this area that I don't like, but I need a strategy and reason to publish any details.

I never thought of that, for tank plastics renewal. This has been sort of tacitly known necessary for Charge Tank plastics or generally putting a charging port in the same position.

I’ll queue this up for the manual.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Precision bearings & replacement
« on: July 21, 2020, 10:43:38 AM »
No worries. It’s a bearing thread. More bearing information is helpful.

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