I did recieve the new Blade XT electric bike,assembled it, and took it out for a ride. Great looking bike that turns alot of heads. Electricmoto is resticting me to post specific pictures of the bike but I can tell you that the bike is a little different than the Blade pictured on the web site. There has been some upgrades to the rear suspenion and motor location.
The Blade has an 400amp Alltrax controller, PMG132 motor, thundersky lithium batteries and comes with a one year warranty. I ended up paying $10,000 plus shipping, and purchased a different set of tires that were shipped from the UK. Electricmoto and I are working out some minor problems with the bike but they are giving me all the support I need. I have only put on a few miles due the weather and the minor hickups I am experencing.
This bike is not all I expected it to be to suite my needs and Electricmoto is offering me a refund for the purchase price.
If you would like to read more comments regarding this bike , go to .......................
http://visforvoltage.org/forum/2046-electricmoto-xt-wait-almost-over.-kicks-zero%2C-and-quantya-electric-motocross-bikesRegards Jurgen