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Around the world on a Zero

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Here is a fellow who plans to YouTube-it around the World on a Zero electric motorcycle. Good luck finding charging stations outside the UK, EU and NA and of course installing firmware updates. This could be an interesting channel to watch:

I don't see why he'd need to do "Firmware Updates" on the ride.  If the bike is running, don't mess with it!!


--- Quote from: JaimeC on November 02, 2022, 08:35:14 PM ---I don't see why he'd need to do "Firmware Updates" on the ride.  If the bike is running, don't mess with it!!

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That comment was just a bit of humor after reading the problems that some people have had getting updated firmware installed. In one of his videos he mentioned that he was having problems with his SOC and/or range estimator, which were indicating a short range.  I gather that Zero contacted him and told him to bring his bike into a Zero dealer. The dealer fixed the issue and he says that his range display is now working correctly.


--- Quote from: Richard230 on November 02, 2022, 07:26:18 PM ---Here is a fellow who plans to YouTube-it around the World on a Zero electric motorcycle. Good luck finding charging stations outside the UK, EU and NA and of course installing firmware updates.
--- End quote ---
Shouldn't need either one. Electricity is almost everywhere in the world, just find any 90 to 250 VAC to charge up with.

Even Plugshare can be used to view people who will let you charge at their homes. If my houses were not so close to public change stations, I would open up mine for home charging. But not needed here or in Reno where charge stations are close by of either CCS or J-1772.

And there are RV parks and such. I have even known people to unplug a coke machine in front of a closed grocery store to charge up.  If there is a will, there is a way.

-Don-  Auburn, CA

He's still at it. He is in India now after starting in Germany and going through Iran and Pakistan. I find it interesting that so many countries have 240 volt mains. He will stop at a restaurant or something and get 2-3 KW from a standard plug. A three hour stop seems to be enough for him to get to his destination, usually an Air B&B or Hostel where he gets an overnight charge.

I heard a saying once, "If you have the time...everywhere is walking distance". I guess if you aren't in a rush a well developed charging infrastructure isn't really needed. At least not having public chargers isn't a deal breaker for electric motorbike travel.

I'm really enjoying the series on Youtube. Plus he has met some other overlander, hitch-hiking, digital nomads that all cross paths rather frequently. I'm sure there is some coordination between them but it ends up having a "cast" of characters. Still doing their own thing to travel but end up in the same towns and having food and drink adventures together.

Vicarious entertainment for a Married, 50-year-old, Parent, 40 hour a week worker with a mortgage, an electric motorbike, and an unquenched wanderlust.


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