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Stop buying electric motorcycles for your kids say the cops

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My local radio news station this morning reported that the Marin County (one of the wealthiest areas in California) police are complaining that parents are buying their children and teenagers "electric motorcycles" instead of bicycles. The children then go zipping around at 30 to 40 mph terrorizing neighborhoods and off-road trails. Needless to say, they don't have a license to ride them because they are not old enough. The cops are begging the county's parents to not buy these vehicles for their kids as they are dangerous and the kids don't have the skills or knowledge to ride them in traffic. (I guess they are making this request because enforcement to control this activity is too difficult for the cops and they don't want to try chasing the kids around neighborhood streets, bike paths and off-road trails.)

My neighbor bought one of these Class 3+ electric bicycles for his pre-teen boy. That thing really zips along and will pull up the hill in front of my home at 35 mph while carrying a passenger. (My Aniioki ebike chugs up the hill at only 8 mph, but it is much heavier.)

Fran K:
Sounds like it will do 60mph with changes to the final drive.

Parents be responsible?  In  California?  HAH!!!!  Good One !!!!

Even on bikes, rules of the road must be followed, as able, ie no you are not expected to go 45 mph on a  pedal bike (until now it seems)
I also thought there were laws that one was supposed to ride on the roads after a certain age, NOT the sidewalks.

Let the little crotch goblins loose on the roads, this problem will sort itself out, and we get rid of a few of those useless eaters they keep complaining about.

They probably shouldn't call them motorcycles, as a motorcycle requires a tag correct, or does not have pedals?  Maybe electric bike, e bike instead, since they do still have pedals if I am not mistaken?

They don't need licenses because they are not considered motorized vehicles, because of the pedals.  That's typically one of the selling points they use as well for them.

Personally, I say let the kids have fun but if they are causing trouble, whoop their asses.  This is a parenting issue, not so much a bike issue.  Tell the kids to behave on their bikes, don't take away the bikes.  Being teenagers they won't obey, however cuckifornia  has cameras all over the place, it should not be too hard to figure out who they are, ticket them, and give them community service and a fine that costs roughly what the bike did. 
Given the bikes are probably of high quality chineesium to begin with, in a few months it'll catch on fire and burn the house down along with it, there, bike and unruly kid problem both solved !!


Yeah they're getting their kids Surrons and Stark Vargs thinking they're buying Rad Power bikes and Specialized Vado.

Then kids do what kids do.

Then police do what they do. 


--- Quote from: Motoproponent on March 27, 2024, 09:32:56 PM ---Yeah they're getting their kids Surrons and Stark Vargs thinking they're buying Rad Power bikes and Specialized Vado.

Then kids do what kids do.

Then police do what they do.

--- End quote ---

However, apparently the police would much rather prefer that parents take care of the problem rather than they have to snatch some kids and their expensive toy and then deal with outraged parents who have their attorney on speed-dial. My guess is that asking parents to not cater to their children's wishes for a new motorcycle with pedals is not going to have much of an impact in the wealthy parts of the county.


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