
Tech => Home Brew => Topic started by: brokinspokes78 on June 11, 2017, 11:10:53 AM

Title: My first build
Post by: brokinspokes78 on June 11, 2017, 11:10:53 AM
Hello folks.
 So I'm off to my fist Electric motorcylce build. What i have to work with so far, is a 2011 zero xu(entire bike and charger.) My mbb has malfunctioned. The bike came with a Motenergy 0810. I also bought myself an Agni 95R, which I have sitting in a box. My next purchase is a new control'r. I am looking at Alltrax because of the free software. I have not decided to stick with the AXE series, or give the new SR series a try? any recommendations? Also I was thinking a 500 amp model and turning it down to about 75% matched up with the Agni 95R? Any thoughts?
 After I get that configured I will go after upgrading that old 2011 bulky under powered battery pack. Mine still works, and charges great(for now). So who on here is building the supreme battery packs these days? (I know they don't come cheap). OR any recommendations for a tried and tested company that is custom building them would be helpful. In the future I hope to build my own, but I am not ready for that yet. For now I Just want to spend a bunch of money on a reliable high C rated battery, with a bms.( and get the looks of disgust over with from my wife asap)
 Next I will be playing with motor control software for the first time ever. I'm hoping that going with the Alltrax, simplifies this process. I guess my biggest question for the experts is, Timing and commissioning of my Agni motor once installed. From threads I have read on this site and on Endlessphere.com, and videos I have watched, I do know the procedure for timing the Agni. My question is, how much do i want to advance the timing? 58V + 400-500 amps. Does anyone Know specs as to where Zero set the Agni timing when they used to run the Agni in their bikes?
 Any thoughts, opinions, 2 cents, criticism? I'll happily accept.
Thank you for reading.