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Messages - Curt

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Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Spare Belt?
« on: Today at 12:59:53 PM »
Gen3 Zeros don't require anything complex at all - you just need to unclip the brake light wire and undo the mudguard and undo the adjuster bolts (actually not sure undoing the adjuster bolts will do anything in this situation as you won't be undoing the axle nut). Tools required is a torx t-bar. The belt can then just be looped on without loosening or removing anything else... provided you can spin the wheel freely. It's a bit more of a faff if you're by the side of the road without a centrestand or paddock stand handy - you'll need an assistant to wheel the bike forward.

That gets you home, and then you can faff about undoing the axle and properly adjusting the tension and doing everything up with a torque wrench.

Wow, that's easy all right. It was hard to picture how it could be done, until seeing a video:

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: Spare Belt?
« on: June 01, 2024, 11:55:24 AM »
A roadside replacement is genuinely a cinch - you only need two small tools or something, and you can loop the new belt on, admittedly a bit of an arse if you don't have someone to push the bike for you as you probably don't have a centrestand.

Don't all Zeroes require disconnecting the swingarm to replace the belt? And compressing the suspension using a ratchet strap?

Some people had pre-threaded and tucked away a small limping belt they can unfurl onto the sprockets should the belt snap (threads somewhere on this forum).

My '16 FX has only 12,500 miles on it and the belt still looks good. I like to hop speed bumps, so years ago I bought a spare belt just in case, but don't carry it with me. After all, the bike is rarely more than 25 miles from home.

General Discussion / Re: Today's Tesla news
« on: May 18, 2024, 11:30:38 AM »
The problem seems similar to that of catalytic converter theft. Based on reports on NextDoor and the neighborhood forum, and from personal experience, it was very much out of control a year ago, but lately there have been diminishing reports in my area (SF Bay Area).

What seems to be working is a combination of sting operations busting some of the large organized crime operations and various crackdowns on recycle businesses that were accepting and processing the ill-gotten equipment.

Energica / Re: It's finally here!
« on: May 01, 2024, 08:04:29 AM »
When I used to ride track, one of the promoters said the Intermediate (B) group is where all the carnage happens. About 1 in 14 riders will crash on any given track day. I did a total of 28 track days, and crashed... twice, so he was spot on!

It's good you're feeling the rear wheel begin to slide. I didn't seem to have that skill, or my bike with excessively large Brembos may have interfered, because twice I slid out the rear wheel. One of those times totaled my bike and broke a collar bone. It was fun while it lasted.

A guy at work would take his Tesla to track days. The limiting factor was always the motor or battery overheating. The car would throttle itself down after only a couple of laps. That was 10 years ago though, so maybe the cooling is improved by now.

Buy Sell Trade / Re: ~ Secondary battery from 2016 SR ~ $1000
« on: March 14, 2024, 03:45:28 AM »
It does sound like a reasonable and negotiable deal for someone who is in South Texas and has a dealer nearby.

It's easy to see how a bike with such low mileage wouldn't need a power tank. It would help to know what the current difference in range is on this SR, with and without the power tank.

I'm also curious as to which Alan this is. :) Alan would you also need to visit a dealer to remove it?

General Discussion / Re: Hot brick power
« on: March 14, 2024, 02:43:37 AM »
All articles like that are super fluffy, so the context and spin must be taken into account. Often, a null concept depicted with fancy graphics is super duper ridiculously dreamily fluffy with all sorts of buy-in from allegedly respectable institutions.

It's believable that storage of heat could be done with 98% efficiency, as long as that heat is then used directly in a factory or home, and not used to generate electricity. If it will be used to generate electricity, it must be cheaper and/or smaller than an equivalent battery.

Everyone knows that in a power outage, a refrigerator will be OK for 12 to 24 hours if you keep the door closed. I could see a refrigerator designed with a large thermal mass that only needs to run the compressor for a few hours each day, and the rest of the time only needs a few small fans. But electric companies, despite all their airing of grievances with consumer power production, don't charge less during peak solar.

I would say that no matter what storage technology we get, we must maintain sufficient (full) production capacity (natural gas backup) to carry on in case of extended periods (days, weeks, months) of low production due to weather, natural disaster, war, etc.

BTW, gravity storage (the cranes with bricks fluff) is trivial to debunk. Back-of-the-envelope calculations (mass * gravity * height) easily show that very little energy is stored, even with truly massive bricks and heights. Hydro storage only works because it does the same thing with a BILLION times more weight, and even then, it's incredibly inefficient and only suitable for conserving small amounts in situations where there is massive overproduction.

Electric Motorcycle News / Re: Naxeon I AM electric motorcycle
« on: February 11, 2024, 12:28:24 PM »
I normally rate 96-98.

OMG, this is horrifying. Your car is monitoring you, measuring your performance, grading you on it, and sending the grade up to everyone who can tell you what to do. I just can't believe you or anyone would buy into that, at any cost. When enough people do, it will become standard, and that's just an Orwellian nightmare. Those numbers mean virtually NOTHING. They'll judge everyone against average, or worse, against the least common denominator of drivers. It's the same with centralized thermostat controls. The slippery slope argument actually applies here. With surveillance and speed cameras, cell phone tracking, GPS tracking, mileage and toll tracking, phasing out of cash and ID for cell phones, we're all going to be remote controlled.

General Discussion / Re: 10 Reasons You Should Never Buy An EV
« on: February 09, 2024, 11:39:50 AM »
The roof was absolutely solid and beautiful until the buffoons drilled 28 holes in it and failed to seal them correctly. I can see that it has been leaking and rotting for years. This is a pretty standard problem. There are ways to use purpose-made flashing over the mount points, but they just don't. That takes time and thought. When it stops raining, I'm going to go up and see if I can figure out what they did.

The moment you install solar, your roof warranty is VOID. They don't tell you this. My 50 year warranty is VOID. Often a solar company won't install a system until a new roof is installed -- and then instant VOID. But I think you are right, the warranty might just be for the shingles anyway.

I have to look into my solar paperwork because it was a 25 year warranty, but I'm not sure what that covered -- probably just parts and not labor. The company looks rude and evasive on BBB, does not respond to calls or emails. I have a call into State Farm, who will almost certainly reject it because (1) the first line of the policy says rain damage is not covered, and (2) faulty installations are not covered. I hope they might at least handle it through subrogation to the installer's insurance.

It's likely all of the panels have to be removed, so that all the racks can be removed, so that entire side of the house can be re-roofed. The only roofers who can respond in a timely fashion don't touch solar, so they need to bring in a third party.

I feel pretty silly spending tens of thousands to ruin my roof, which will then cost more to repair than 25 years worth of generation could save.

General Discussion / Re: Leather Vest Cleaning
« on: February 09, 2024, 11:25:39 AM »
Haha, silly bird!

I got my favorite jacket in 2003, a Troy Lee Alpinestars leather in red/write/black. I wore it to shreds using it every day. It gets to where the paint comes off the leather and there's nothing you can do, it just looks bad. Around 2019, I managed to find an EXACT duplicate that someone kept in their closet in Ireland!

General Discussion / Re: 10 Reasons You Should Never Buy An EV
« on: February 08, 2024, 07:43:15 AM »
One thing I do know is, there are good reasons not to get roof solar panels. PG&E and CPUC have sucked a lot of value out of it, generation has been minimal for months, and the ceiling in one of my bedrooms just fell in because the buffoons who installed them drilled holes in my new 50 year warranty roof.

General Discussion / Re: Leather Vest Cleaning
« on: February 08, 2024, 07:38:56 AM »
I'd hold the leather over the sink, patch side down. Dampen the patch, spray with a little cleaner, and scrub with a brush. Continuing to hold it upside down, rinse by brushing with plenty of water, and dab dry.

Cleaners can be hard on leather, as they remove the oils. Try gentler ones first, like Dawn dish soap, Woolite, or Oxy Clean. Inorganic stains are virtually impossible to get out completely.

For a new or freshly cleaned patch, mask off and apply Scotch Guard spray protection.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: 2022 FXE charger bad?
« on: January 30, 2024, 03:09:34 AM »
If you were near me (CA Bay Area), I have a spare charger you could try.

Zero Motorcycles Forum | 2013+ / Re: 2017 DS 6.5 slowly losing charge
« on: January 21, 2024, 11:17:10 AM »
It's losing its charge while sitting. Charged to 100% this weekend. I haven't ridden it since, yet it's now reading 97%.

A Zero (generation 2 anyway) will lose charge while sitting there. In my experience it will be down to 90% in about a week.

If it's left plugged in, it will charge to 100%. But then it will still drop gradually. Once it reaches 90%, the charger will kick on again.

So "balancing" has to do with millivolt differences between cells within a battery pack, while "variance" is voltage difference between two battery packs?

If you were experiencing the latter, it seems like Zero raised an error unnecessarily, and in a particularly bad way telling you to go to a dealer. All it had to do was operate normally, give a reasonable charge estimate (72%). At some point it would be plugged in and get "unvarianced".

General Discussion / Re: PG&E power rate increase rant
« on: January 19, 2024, 05:18:59 PM »
PG&E should have been deep into consumer solar panels, storage, EVSEs, generators, etc. by now.

Companies that re-invent themselves in the face of adversity are the ones who survive. Netflix going from mail order to streaming, Amazon going from books to everything, Apple opening physical stores, Microsoft embracing Linux and on-line subscription, Safeway re-doing all its stores, all car manufacturers making EVs, etc.

Companies that don't adapt and go with the flow are doomed --  Sears, Rite Aid, AT&T, etc.

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