After troubleshooting the side stand sensor to no end with voltage dividing resistor circuits and metering the actual voltage through the sensor since I think that's what's causing my flickering red dash light, to learning that the MBB actually cuts current to the motor if you hit the gas too hard at low speeds, I'm axing the whole "mother hen" aspect of this bike and going old school. Technically this was my plan all along, buy a donor bike and convert to an EV, I just now have the perfect donor since it already is an EV, just with too much safety crap on it to let me be in full control.
I realize that when Zero made this bike they need to design for all parameters of use. If I hit the gas too much at low speeds and melt the motor, oh well... I see that as an opportunity to upgrade the system!
Currently deliberating how to use the key for powering up the system. I think I'm just gonna use it to enable the DC-DC converter. That should be a low current circuit. I'll fuse it really low before I melt the key switch to see what happens.
Also wondering how the BMS is gonna get by now. Worst case, Thunderstruck has a good standalone BMS. Or one of them eBay PCB ones.